Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] more [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The parties ' intentions are perhaps of more importance than individuals ' commitments .
2 Ambitious as ever for more recognition than was either possible or reasonable , she was no longer satisfied with receiving honours worthy of a spouse , or even a ‘ world-ranking scientist ’ in her own right .
3 It results from a transfer which in bringing the beneficiary 's total of votes up to the quota almost inevitably provides him also with more votes than he needed .
4 George was active locally in more ways than one , his political sympathies always directed to the Left and to helping such bodies as the Spanish Relief Committee .
5 The old bat led me astray in more ways than one .
6 Then at least we would avoid the congestion of bus traffic along there and if townbound traffic was limited to one stop on the museum side of Tubwell Row instead of two stops in 100 yards we might get somewhere in more senses than one .
7 The chances are that my friend belongs to a least one of more than 30 SUSA clubs and societies , ranging from ‘ Ballroom Dancing ’ to the ‘ Balls Juggling Club ’ and may watch the odd ( often in more ways than one ) movie at the SUSA ‘ Film Circle ’ .
8 And as to this present situation one of us is going to tire eventually , ’ Maggie pointed out tartly with more bravery than she really felt .
9 In this case calculating recognition measures for individual stimuli is initially of more interest than doing so for individual subjects thus the data is aggregated across subjects .
10 Then there were new Switchboards springing up all over the place , sometimes with more enthusiasm than resources and occasionally with decidedly dubious intent or policy .
11 Governments , throughout Europe especially , found themselves , sometimes reluctantly as in Britain , sometimes with more enthusiasm as in Prussia , assuming an increasingly managerial role in economic life as the basis of political and military power .
12 Forcing his useless legs to work he made his way to the bridge , awkwardly at first , hobbling , as if in some grotesque mimicry of his wife , then with more confidence as the blood began to flow , his muscles come alive again .
13 ‘ It 's too late , ’ said Rats-Tail again with more hostility than petulance .
14 ‘ This week 's Asturias Rally is a European round and therefore worth more points than , say , Valencia .
15 Between ourselves , he 's gone downhill recently in more ways than one .
16 This was a first for her too in more ways than one .
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