Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a time when " in BNC.

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1 For Messrs Ames , Myers , Wilbraham , Hudd and Irens and the shell company specialists like Messrs Lever and D'Silva , this recession might be a period that , unlike most , they will be able to recall fondly as a time when they grew their businesses .
2 In this programme , Stanley , at the age of 88 , looks back fondly to a time when he was , unquestionably , Champion of the World .
3 I would like to commend you for the support you give to rural artists and craftspeople , through your excellent articles — especially at a time when , due to cuts in grants , such people need all the help they can get .
4 This especially at a time when they were earning significant incomes from Blackwomen writers such as Alice Walker and Maya Angelou .
5 If any government were to try to force them to do so , there would interminable arguments about its definition and measurement , especially at a time when price controls and other government interventions are causing enormous distortions in enterprise incomes .
6 And Mark Irwin — editor of weekly soccer magazine Shoot ! — said : ‘ It seems a strange decision , especially at a time when you can hardly turn on the telly without some soccer being screened .
7 The evidence that it was an accident brought about by bullies was overwhelming , especially at a time when 9 out of 10 Britons were engulfed in a tide of hate for Hitler 's British Mosley stooges .
8 Buying a PC by mail order can be traumatic , especially at a time when companies are going bust with alarming regularity .
9 Despite the earlier campaigns to the Forth against the Britons , this further offensive and the resources which it required and continued to require while Mercian strength increased in southern England represented a serious dislocation of northern Anglian royal aspirations , especially at a time when Oswiu remained committed to the maintenance of his influence south of the Humber , at least in ecclesiastical affairs .
10 ‘ Frankly , it beggars belief that so many more people have suddenly become invalids , especially at a time when the health of the nation has improved , ’ Mr Major said in the Commons .
11 ‘ Frankly , it beggars belief that so many more people have suddenly become invalids , especially at a time when the health of the nation has improved , ’ Mr Major said in the Commons .
12 The average Jew was the average Englishman , living off a weekly pay packet of four pounds a week or less at a time when , in the worst-hit areas for unemployment , up to twenty per cent of the population was below the poverty line .
13 Once again , the two kings were stranded together at a time when the kingdom of Sicily was at a particularly explosive juncture in its long and turbulent history .
14 This collection has been brought together at a time when the Banjara people are gravitating towards the cities relinquishing their nomadic life and abandoning their dynamic textile art .
15 But was n't it a risk setting up alone at a time when you would n't be able to work continuously ?
16 Thus at a time when Africa needs to industrialize , to create both exports and jobs , a review of the last thirty years shows how difficult this task has been and will be .
17 Taylor believes he must protect Gascoigne just at a time when he seems to have shaken off the horrific knee injury that has kept him out of football for 17 months .
18 Just at a time when the Copts were especially sensitive .
19 None of that matters to Kenneth Arnold so much as the fact that he acted selflessly at a time when he was needed .
20 The book begins with the 1950s , when baby manuals indexed ‘ fathers ’ as ‘ for fathers see mothers ’ , and men were ‘ angry ’ , ‘ tough ’ or ‘ queer ’ ; it ends with ‘ a new agenda for the 1990s ’ , described hopefully as a time when men join women in fighting for an end to exploitation of women at work and home , and the ‘ masculinity ’ we have known will come to a timely end .
21 Once upon a time when Intel released the 80286 , everyone wanted to make a 286-compatible PC , including Ericsson .
22 Once upon a time when I used to read , or hear , about all the exciting even exotic things that apparently all other retired people got up to I used to think ‘ That 's for me !
23 The Movement increased its membership from 5,000 in 1929 to 40,000 two years later at a time when the Communist Party was at its lowest ebb .
24 It is remarkable , however , that his fixed-wing propeller-driven models showed the way ahead so clearly at a time when most other proposals for aerial machines involved flapping wings or unlikely applications of the helicopter principle .
25 Tiger populations in the Russian Far East are facing a shortage of prey species , ironically at a time when their own numbers have recovered substantially .
26 Now at a time when the rest of Europe is moving towards providing all sorts of extra services for parents and children , we in Scotland seem to be going backwards .
27 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
28 Counting those in the bristle-cone pine establishes that some of these gnarled and twisted trees germinated over five thousand years ago at a time when man in the Middle East was just beginning to invent writing , and have remained alive throughout the entire duration of civilisation .
29 Modern human fossils 100000 years old are known and humans were widespread in southern Africa by 50 000 years ago at a time when Europe was still populated by the related Neanderthals .
30 He became a protector of the species four years ago at a time when badger baiting had reached alarming proportions .
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