Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the time and " in BNC.

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1 Well I can , if he lets me have his space we do n't have to worry too much about the time and go about er just after nine or something .
2 He tries to play his best all of the time and plays to win .
3 He tries to play his best all of the time and plays to win .
4 We all use them much of the time and could not do without them .
5 Geoclock UK is a shareware program that shows a coloured map of the earth together with the time and date ( which is based on the time on your PC 's clock ) .
6 Geoclock UK is a shareware program that shows a coloured map of the earth together with the time and date ( which is based on the time on your PC 's clock ) .
7 ‘ For purely practical reasons we do not permit debates in either House to be cited : it would add greatly to the time and expense involved in preparing cases involving the construction of a statute if counsel were expected to read all the debates in Hansard , and it would often be impracticable for counsel to get access to at least the older reports of debates in Select Committees of the House of Commons ; moreover , in a very large proportion of cases such a search , even if practicable , would throw no light on the question before the court .
8 A lrge percentage of the parachutes used by British airborne servicemen were inside at the time and destroyed at a cost of more than nineteen million pounds .
9 Poor Jasper happened to be curled up asleep some five feet away at the time and was rudely awakened .
10 ‘ That is what Martin says ; he was some distance away at the time and was n't able to see who it was . ’
11 This chapter investigates how that world appeared to the players and the lookers on , both at the time and afterwards .
12 Something was happening in Britain that allowed the period to be plausibly described , both at the time and later , as permissive .
13 Explanations both at the time and later have tended to point to assumptions about the lower needs of women , irrespective of the work they were doing .
14 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
15 The structure of Liberal argument , both at the time and as it has come down to us in modern land law texts , is thus built upon two suppositions .
16 — not an easy task but well worth the time and effort .
17 I could n't explain it very well at the time and I still ca n't .
18 That said it was going very strongly at the time and there was much speculation amongst linesiders as to how No 7819 Hinton Manor would tackle the 1 in 52 climb to Talerddig summit .
19 ‘ He gave in too easily , at the last ; too graciously after the time and prestige he has wasted here .
20 I was n't there at the time and I 'm damned if they 're going to top me for your brothers .
21 We will then contact you again about the time and place .
22 He got off too lightly at the time and history has not brought his memory to full justice .
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