Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 Charles did a great deal to assist the lot of the Lombardian peasantry whose lives had fared badly during the conflicts that succeeded the Renaissance .
2 Kathy Page makes us think afresh about the lies that bind and the barriers that separate .
3 But it is not only through the sacraments that the Spirit assures us we belong to Christ .
4 Thérèse became known to Soeur Dosithée only through the letters that Antoinette wrote about her .
5 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
6 In the evening , before a roaring open fire , we read ; and talked endlessly about the ones that got away , and the few that did n't .
7 So as the numbers that you add on get one less so the answers get one less .
8 Oh it would be really nice you know , especially for the supporters that 's been behind us all season , so hopefully we can do it for them .
9 Right : Peter York , author : ‘ I wish I thought better about the opportunities that 1992 has to offer ’
10 As the colleges sought to establish degree courses other than in teacher education it was naturally towards the humanities that they mainly turned , and attempts to use their existing strengths in those areas , together with opportunities for combined and modularized courses , resulted in often extremely complex proposals .
11 Some want the rotation requirement to apply to all companies , regardless of the problems that would cause for smaller practices ; others want it kept to listed and other public interest clients .
12 Thus , many users prefer to stay hidden regardless of the problems that this might cause their families or themselves .
13 And it is very difficult to influence children e , who are starting at the age of ten to fifteen with threats of lung cancer at the age group between fifty and sixty regardless of the horrors that you can describe to them .
14 I think obviously erm as they 've already shown when they came over last year , that they are very very big , very physical , and erm there are there are erm a fast pacy outfit , but erm I think erm obviously with the players that are selected , that we can obviously cope with that .
15 Figure 1 shows several of the most elementary transformations together with the rules that generate them .
16 And that all if you put this together with the documents that we know , it suggests that there was a twelfth century church here which was demolished and then rebuilt in the fifteenth century .
17 Under the terms of the Honiara accord the rebels were given immunity from prosecution , together with the promises that the government would remove its blockade and would not attempt to re-establish its troops upon the island by force .
18 There was thus a clear field for improvements to the route , especially in the sections that most needed it .
19 Evidence is being sought in surviving buildings , in records such as photographs , drawings , and documents , and especially in the goods that people have had in their houses .
20 To fill the seats you have to drop the fares , there 's a price war going on , especially in the markets that Virgin 's involved in , price wars mean very low fares , fares which in many cases will not cover the cost of flying the aeroplane .
21 Otherwise , they may find that they have given a huge advantage to their competitors , without benefiting sufficiently from the opportunities that have been made available to them .
22 It was a stunning sight , and as I lay idly in the boulders that are reputed to have fallen 1600 metres and half a mile from the South Face of La Meije to the Chatelleret , I thought of the climb to come and let the daylight drift over me .
23 The Kuwait the Kuwait cities are designed in such a way that the military installations and erm are outside the country , so from the eyewitnesses that we receive that all the bombings are on the outskirts of the city , no damage to Kuwait City or to the civilians inside Kuwait .
24 We know , for instance , that the bulk of the bronze currency in circulation in the northern provinces of the Roman empire in the middle of the third century AD consisted of worn second-century sestertii only from the hoards that can be dated to those years .
25 Even in its inchoate beginnings , pop culture was forced to turn to the sexually divergent or avant-garde , for it was only in the spaces that they inhabited that this new world could be recognized and could develop .
26 Further , it is only in the Fellowships that they will get sufficient identification with other sufferers to be able to see that there is hope for recovery when they do finally admit defeat .
27 ‘ Charismatic ’ was the word he first used and later withdrew — apparently on the grounds that Jefferson 's personality , while it is undoubtedly attractive to teenagers , is n't particularly pleasant .
28 Apollinaris survived for only a few months , and on his death Theuderic had Quintianus installed as bishop , apparently on the grounds that the saint had been driven from Rodez because of his loyalty to the Frankish king .
29 This similarity should caution against making too firm a distinction between the three ; for example one might have sought to make distinctions in terms of being instances of either ‘ new ’ or ‘ old ’ racism , especially on the grounds that new racists , unlike old racists , will justify their position by citing non-racial general principles ( Sniderman and Tetlock , 1986a , 1986b ; see also Potter and Wetherell , 1987 , for arguments against deducing ‘ true ’ attitudes from discourse ) .
30 In Britain children are looking forward to Christmas and especially to the presents that Father Christmas brings .
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