Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [v-ing] into the " in BNC.

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1 The field was laid out in strips about two feet apart and only after pushing into the crop did I realize that the plants were trained up a trellis of almost invisible wires and that I was in a hop field — a ‘ beer field ’ , as Duncan would have called it .
2 For Lynda Hall , 43 , and her husband Alan , have just bought the 200-year-old Navigation Inn , at Buxworth , which actress Pat Phoenix , who played Elsie for 22 years , took over not long after going into the Street .
3 But after an hour or so of trudging into the stiff wind , a slight feeling of despair crept over me .
4 Sam came back frowning and , stretching inside without stepping into the water , pressed the three switches that had been unresponsive two days earlier .
5 My friends liked the idea of letting their feet come round naturally by unwinding into the turn and will try that to help their parallels this winter .
6 Shortly after moving into The Kilns , Minto had engaged a gardener to help her with the eight acres of ground .
7 SHE HAD BOUGHT THE BATHROOM mirror soon after moving into the flat .
8 The veteran bomber 's just 4 flights away from passing into the history books ; a sad prospect for the pilots who 've flown them .
9 Well if I keep you away from going into the shower , it 'd be like extended foreplay wo n't it ?
10 Yet Joseph knew that he was right to have his armaments in place : you could never trust the gypsies or the tinkers — against each other , let alone anyone else : quacks , drunks and ranters would drift from their positions in the line and cause trouble just by bumping into the orderly armada of hill folk who knew how to hold steady but had never been fond of strangers .
11 This is why it 's hardly worth going into the ins-and-outs of his previous ( albeit ground-breaking and influential ) outfit here .
12 ‘ I only know that they are working together ’ he announced mysteriously before disappearing into the galaxy as the sound of an old Kraftwerk record filled the air .
13 This is often misunderstood as cleaning oneself of contamination , but is obviously not the case as is proven by the fact that they had to clean themselves carefully before going into the bath , or mikva as it is called , so it becomes clear that it was to purify themselves spiritually , not physically .
14 But the dynamic left-back has since proved him wrong by moving into the England reckoning with his performances for Kevin Keegan 's side .
15 Carefully she pushed the door open and looked left and right before stepping into the corridor .
16 He dropped the stone and it rolled a little before falling into the water with a soft plop .
17 He ripped into me just now for going into the PGA caravan . ’
18 It was the first time he had heard his name pronounced correctly since coming into the camp .
19 We can not escape really by withdrawing into the seclusion of art .
20 The control check is often better done initially before the vital actions , perhaps even before getting into the cockpit , when the control surfaces can be seen more easily .
21 The over-protected , the abused , the under-encouraged , and the forced may have difficulty in giving full attention , even in relaxing into the reading act .
22 She had resold after there was no longer any requirement to repay discount and immediately before moving into the house about to be bought from the district council .
23 Do not climb a ladder or stepladder until you are sure it is high enough and stable — this applies particularly to getting into the roof space .
24 Would-be Chancellor John Smith thinks that better roads , schools , hospitals and the welfare of grannies can be satisfied simply by plugging into the surplus cash of ‘ the rich ’ .
25 Disturbing the Ritual : The adventurers can do this simply by stepping into the circle and attacking the Vampire and his minion , but the circle offers them some protection by the time the adventurers attack : treat Maximilian and Juliane as having 1 AP , all locations , and +10 bonuses to their I scores while within the circle .
26 With just the ghost of a headwind , our only method of going about was either by dragging our bows round with ten men furiously paddling the dugout canoe , or simply by drifting into the opposite shore and poling our bowsprit off whatever fulcrum presented itself .
27 Gorblimey , even the beer thinks twice before going into the Seamen 's Rest .
28 It felt like he was bored , like he was playing with his camera instead of getting into the thing .
29 Instead of burrowing into the foliage it makes its home in the stems of aquatic plants .
30 Whatever the way of it , Tina was a month ahead of Jean and had Stu with little trouble in her own bedroom instead of going into the hospital at Gore as she 'd done with Sandy .
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