Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where a range of success rates is given , this indicates that there were several assessment items for a particular skill or task and that performance covered a fairly wide band — an immediate warning that a criterion statement based on such tasks will not tell us much about pupils ' achievements .
2 By fighting for pits to be kept open , the NUM was fighting not only for miners ' jobs but also for the survival of miners ' communities .
3 I believe that this is absolutely vital , not only for teachers ' sanity , but also for the health of the education system as a whole .
4 He also announced cautious proposals to revive the economy , promising a relaxation in current wage controls and increased subsidies for housing , for health services , and especially for the agricultural sector [ see below for farmers ' protests ] .
5 The cacophony within the house seemed to last for several minutes , but was perhaps only of seconds ' duration .
6 In other counties ( Oxfordshire was an early example ) the linking together of teachers ' centres into a county network means that high quality work produced anywhere in the county can be disseminated on requirement to other schools .
7 Accordingly total expenditure E in the period under consideration was composed entirely of consumers ' expenditure C , and total income Y in the community was identical to this expenditure .
8 Looking back at the face of the bank , they could see that it was in fact dotted thickly with martins ' holes .
9 Their netting stakes were no more than 2 feet ( 60 centimetres ) in length , to slip nicely into poachers ' pockets for concealment .
10 It is often said , and rightly , that a lot of thought goes into defendants ' rights , but not enough into victims ' rights .
11 But she never seemed to make the connection between these skills and the sickness notes , apparently in parents ' hands , which her pupils brought to school after prolonged absences of two or three weeks .
12 3 Media offences which are triable only in magistrates ' courts .
13 The IoD 's Peter Morgan adds : ‘ It 's only in companies ' boardrooms that decisions are made or not made , opportunities taken or lost .
14 What you should photograph depends entirely on editors ' requirements .
15 This footslogging — and often freezing — circuit of Ireland , during which he relied entirely on motorists ' charity , provided him with much diverting material .
16 The ‘ information ’ part of Vredeling , which would apply to employers with 1,000 or more employees , would require that information relating to the business as a whole , and to the employees ' own particular subsidiaries or establishments , be supplied annually to employees ' representatives .
17 Looking specifically at the arable sector , the SAC 's Sandy Ramsay highlighted the effects of the UK 's departure from the ERM , saying that it had worked greatly to farmers ' advantage .
18 Nobody laughed , and Otto assured her in his best smoothie tones that said beast was scampering in the Elysian fields and piddling all over archangels ' sandals .
19 Testing will be revised so as to add less to teachers ' workloads .
20 Charlotte and Ursula watched the broadcast together at Swans ' Meadow , Ursula nursing a gin and tonic as she did so .
21 This distinction had been blurred not only by officers ' participation in the committees but by the Pflimlin government 's delegation of supreme civilian authority to the Commander-in-Chief , General Salan .
22 This hit home for me in a 10-mile traffic gridlock around Birmingham last weekend , gazing at the rows of orange cones he swore to sweep away with Citizens ' Charters while listening to his critics savage his new improved Classless Honours List .
23 However , it does appear that the notion of language teachers joining a profession with its own history does not figure largely in tutors ' conceptions of their work , that English tutors do not see ‘ language ’ as something requiring separate attention , and that all tutors tend to play down aspects of language policy or language in society .
24 When they turned seven , the boys had to go away to boys ' schools .
25 And they in turn were in what were rather like bakers ' trays .
26 The specialist field of old master drawings has received extremely detailed study ; the drawings are interesting both in their own right and as a means of knowing more about artists ' practices .
27 Here is a very simple example : i ) As part of a wider market research exercise , a UK bread manufacturer wishes to find out more about peoples ' preferences between white , brown and wholemeal bread .
28 One of the kids asked about the foal and it suddenly occurred to me they 'd like to see all the mares , so I had them brought inside specially for visitors ' day . "
29 That money goes directly into farmers ' pockets .
30 Water-fleas ( Daphnia ) , blood-worms and a few other kinds of small animal can be purchased cheaply from aquarists ' shops , where they are sold as live food for tropical fish .
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