Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 At the end of November , ten or eleven boys climbed the big walnut tree in the middle of the village , swinging about among its branches , and women and children scrabbled laughingly for the nuts as they fell .
2 John Deverall ( 1979 ) , in a fascinating but as yet unpublished dissertation on the ‘ Public Medium/Private Process ’ dichotomy , draws our attention to authors such as Richard Sennett ( 1974 ) and Iris Murdoch ( 1970 ) , the former deploring the cult of the individual in modern society and the latter arguing fiercely for the arts as ‘ unselfing ’ .
3 Life was fraught enough for the Stevenses as it was , with the constant care of Jennifer , without her adding to their problems , and besides , she had come to value her privacy and her independence .
4 Finally , if he was prepared to visit Sanders to make the appointment , why not do so for the lessons as well ? ’
5 Let us now place an infinite conductor plane halfway between the charges as shown in Fig. 2.32 .
6 The level of demand is to do not only with the tasks as they are done but also with the duration for which they must continue to be done .
7 So with the chips as well this is about one sixty .
8 It all began because my friend Pat was called by the Lord to work as a nurse in Saudi , and her experiences there gave me an interest in that country and especially in the Women as they seem to have such a hard life .
9 It 's all round the buildings as it was then , you know houses all ba all built , all just in see where me mother lives , it was like there were three bedrooms and erm and a back room and a front room , and a basement room , so that you could .
10 Summer skiing : On the Kitzsteinhorn glacier , reached by cable cars and a funicular , it is possible to enjoy some good quality skiing , but only in the mornings as the snow becomes too soft in the afternoons .
11 Rural teachers melted away into the towns as their schools closed down for lack of pupils and funds .
12 When the whole family is in the room ask everyone 's name individually including the children as this helps everyone feel acknowledged and important .
13 We move away from the Germans as the Brigadier is now pointing at some other unfortunate bastards .
14 But she spun away from the cameras as she popped the parcel into her mouth using chopsticks .
15 Peckle grumbled about the treatment due to envoys but the good physician , Throgmorton , laughed sourly and said he was pleased to be as far away from the Frogs as possible .
16 Acorn started and turned towards him and the beetle scurried away over the pebbles as Pipkin moved and woke .
17 Lords , ladies , dukes and duchesses figure prominently among the names as well as more ordinary mortals of obviously substantial means .
18 ‘ Furtherance ’ was to be tested objectively by the courts as well as subjectively by reference to the defendants ' intentions .
19 We 've also positioned a simple heaterstat ( PFK May ) — low in the tanks as it will later be concealed by decor , but NOT touching the gravel .
20 Unfortunately I had not realised that a stern rope had already been passed to the ship and an indignant shout from my crew on the after deck drew my attention to the long nylon rope which was now snaking dangerously round the bollards as we drew away .
21 As a rule , all sacrifices were carried out as close to the heavens as possible .
22 One thing was clear : it was as important to clear away the vegetation close to the ramparts as It was to maintain the ramparts themselves .
23 Does the Prime Minister accept that we are pleased that the United Kingdom is signatory to a treaty that commits it to an ever closer union among European peoples , where decisions are to be taken as close to the citizens as possible ?
24 The nails indicate the joist positions and you should aim to cut as close to the nails as possible without damaging the saw teeth , leaving the nails securing the piece you are not removing .
25 My idea is to cast as close to the branches as I dare , then allow the current to carry the bait into the roots .
26 Starting with the top lashes , look up and — taking the wand as close to the roots as possible — brush from roots to the tips in a single motion and leave to dry .
27 Grip lashes with the curlers as close to the roots as possible and hold for five seconds , then repeat halfway down the lashes .
28 The women glanced at the fracas and stepped delicately aside on the steps as they passed by .
29 In Germany , too , the clergy were distrusted still by the workers as ‘ black police ’ and the most powerful Socialist movement in Europe was avowedly antireligious .
30 Victory in her first war with one of the European powers had the paradoxical effect not of reassuring Japan that she was now a major power able to compete effectively with the others as at least an equal but , instead , of convincing her of her continuing vulnerability and the need to strengthen further her military capability .
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