Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [was/were] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The middle-horned breed was described as a group of ‘ local varieties ’ of which the most noted were the Devon , Sussex and Hereford , the last two being considered varieties of the Devon , with the Hereford thought to be the least active and hardy under the yoke but better for fattening .
2 Presumably that was the point .
3 Outside critics , of which the most devastating was the Oxford economist Ian Little , had no difficulty in showing that their arguments ‘ fail to wriggle out of the obvious ’ , which was that much of the domestic thermal load was being sold below cost and was thereby winning heating markets which could be more efficiently supplied by alternative fuels at lower overall national cost .
4 Of his many foreign commissions one of the most prestigious was the window ordered in 1877 by Princess Alice [ q.v . ] ,
5 The most celebrated was the saving of a row of trees threatened by a road scheme .
6 Presumably this was a mistake .
7 ( Arguably this was the case in the English penal system during the supposed reign of the ‘ rehabilitative ideal ’ . )
8 If Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
9 Jolly Sensible was a restaurant , everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement .
10 ( Of the alternative tools used for selection , the most popular were The bookseller with 31% , and publishers ' lists with 28% . )
11 We played various games there , of which the most popular was a kind of bingo .
12 Various proposals were canvassed , but the most popular was a reduction in the rate of development charge .
13 Less understandable was the willingness to allow the duty on diesel to rise by the rate of inflation rather than slash it .
14 Yet so striking was the colour of the child 's hair and of that which showed beneath the flat straw hat of the woman as to appear like distorted jogging lights in the dimness .
15 The first time Wexford noticed this — she was then about six — he almost hooted aloud , so grotesque was the likeness between this exquisite piece of doll 's flesh and her gross progenitor .
16 So rich was the legacy of the ancients that the fund of spoil has lasted into our own times .
17 So strong was the filmmakers ' infatuation with Hollywood that they were unable to work from an understanding of the situation that faced them , and develop British cinema according to its own economic and cultural realities .
18 So strong was the feeling that several times she thought she caught the tail-end of a movement as they passed by several blackened stumps and she turned sharply , expecting to see something leering evilly at them , but there was nothing .
19 Yet so strong was the belief in a static universe that it persisted into the early twentieth century .
20 So strong was the fear that a " united front from above " would reflect credit on the ILP that Communists were warned that " the ILP must not be looked upon as a potential ally of the CP . "
21 Yes , we had drivers that had to do sort of timed deliveries or whatever in the morning , and they , so basically that was the time .
22 Melanie had had fifteen merry Christmases , when they tied wreaths of holly to the doorknockers and fed visiting choirboys on mincepies , and perhaps that was a sufficiency of merry Christmases .
23 Montini was more far-sighted than anyone else present , certainly more than the many ‘ progressives ’ who could see no further ahead than the next vote ( perhaps that was the influence of the press ) .
24 ‘ It was very good , but you should have told me — then again , perhaps that was the idea . ’
25 But perhaps that was the fog .
26 Perhaps that was the trouble — perhaps she was being too polite .
27 Yes , well , perhaps that was the point .
28 But then perhaps that was the point , Michael had thought .
29 But perhaps that was the effect aimed at .
30 Perhaps that was the effect of Rhodes as much as anything else .
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