Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is not easy to hang a fine suit from shoulders so broad and straight as yours , Major . ’
2 One will need to grow the plants and prepare the drink or poultice oneself but neither is time-consuming , and certainly likely to be less expensive and just as , if not more , efficacious than the manufactured kind available from the chemist .
3 Ion Pacepa , Ceauşescu 's chief intelligence officer who defected in 1978 , takes particular pleasure in his memoirs in exposing Stefan Andrei as both corrupt but also as well aware of the absurdity of the Ceauşescus ' pretensions , especially Elena 's academic titles .
4 There would be direct investment both inward and outward as different multinationals arrange their operations on a global basis instead of direct investment only in one direction resulting from the overall balance of the economy .
5 ‘ You 'll be the death of me , Mr Loveitt , dammee if you wo n't , ’ she said , her voice as loud and hard as her laugh .
6 To wake up a Woosnam who has struggled on some dull courses and slow greens recently , it took a demanding course and fast greens , even if neither were as demanding nor fast as perhaps in previous years .
7 There were birds singing , though not yet many , and apart from the boys ' voices the quiet was as old and deep as the land .
8 She is as honest and upright as they come , but has landed like a ton of bricks on younger members of staff whose behaviour she does n't approve of .
9 Gloucester after Saturday 's match at Kingsholm were left feeling just as impotent and just as confounded after Bath had stormed away in the last five minutes of extra time to win this semi-final .
10 Hence , class conflict is viewed as inevitable and indeed as the only major source of conflict in capitalist society .
11 No bread was eatable , for it was as cold and hard as a stone . ’
12 She looked straight in front of her , and her face was as cold and hard as marble .
13 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
14 His voice as cold and hard as polished steel , Michele said , ‘ It was you who suggested I could have her eating out of my hand … ’
15 ‘ Oh come now , Bill , Oxford senior common rooms are full of people quite as untidy and generally as odd as Gerhard .
16 How often have we plodding climbers and walkers set them off and thought to ourselves : ‘ I wish I could travel as fast and effortlessly as that . ’
17 They had to be unloaded and distributed as fast and safely as possible .
18 The chance that a random conglomeration of whale cells would swim , let alone swim as fast and efficiently as a whale actually does swim , is negligible .
19 The Faculty of Homoeopathy would certainly concur with Simon Crawford 's view that it is absolutely unethical for any medicine to be sold as natural and especially as homoeopathic if it were to include pharmacologically active ingredients , whether hormonal or otherwise .
20 The British attitude to Europe remained as functional and piecemeal as it had been in the time of Ernest Bevin after 1945 .
21 In a more recent book he suggests that the gospel was also made available as widespread and cheaply as possible by a novel process .
22 Some may be characterised as predominantly transaction orientated : that is , obtain the brief from the client and work as hard and fast as possible to fill that particular job , that being both the goal and the result .
23 Great men , it 's been noted , die twice — once as great and once as men .
24 So what can be amiss with a torrent of intellectual change as imaginative and potentially as beneficent as that represented by the present condition of molecular biology ?
25 Underneath , Luke Calder was as tough and hard as old nails .
26 Events in his own past he never thought of as evil but rather as mistaken , immensely regrettable , brought about by fear and greed .
27 The young man stood as stiff and straight as the church columns around him .
28 The Patrician cradled his chins in a beringed hand , and regarded the wizard with eyes as small and hard as beads .
29 But she would not defend herself , by no means , and she answered him in tones as brusque and hard as his own .
30 Throughout , his banter came as thick and fast as softshelled crab , only halting as he paused to take a slurp from his Dixie Beer or to wipe the steam off the camera lens .
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