Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 With his own property , it was perhaps easier too for a baron to take risks or sail close to the wind .
2 Obviously good enough for the MP for Darlington to put his hand in his pocket for .
3 This is why success in surmounting this stage in a satisfactory manner is so important both for the happiness and future sexual fulfilment of the individual and for the security and success of this civilization .
4 The easiest way into a flat with aluminium frame windows is to use the little flap window at the top — the ventilator , only big enough for an organ grinder 's monkey , but easily opened with a knife , slipped underneath to prise up the catch .
5 Well it 's just normal really for a Saturday .
6 At Nesseby we found a tiny peninsula with cliffs just high enough for a colony of kittiwakes , which were all feeding large young .
7 A draught whipped his bare legs , and he glanced over his shoulder , along the passage ; there was a hole in the little window beside the back door , just large enough for a hand to come through and turn the key in the lock … .
8 In 1915 it had been widened to seven yards , just large enough for an up- and down-column of trucks .
9 Make the casing only just large enough for the rods , so that they fit tightly .
10 Other materials , made from natural fibres such as cotton , hemp , flax , and even silk , have played their part in the past , and that is the operative term , for , apart from the traditional and ceremonial kites where authenticity is upheld to the highest degree , such materials are no longer good enough for the modern kite .
11 And provided that he did have a ‘ residence ’ ( or ‘ abode ’ , the concept used in other contexts ) there , in which he spent a substantial part of the year , it would not be necessary for him to be physically present there for the whole three-month period prior to the qualifying date .
12 It appeared to be a city which could cater to anything one 's heart desired : all varieties of food from the six continents , restaurants and bars open twenty-four hours a day , and everything else under the sun easily available just for the cost of a phone call .
13 What I do is chop the luncheon meat into cubes just big enough for a size 8 or 10 hook and mix them with damp groundbait .
14 The little semi-det that Maxim 's parents had bought when they retired to the outskirts of Littlehampton sported a Geor-gian bow window , timber cladding above the garage — which had a metal door — and tile-hung patches around the first-floor windows , whose balconies were just big enough for a seagull to stand on .
15 It was just big enough for an adult to pass through on all fours .
16 The extra spur is a rutted track just wide enough for a car .
17 The jeep reached the River Orne and we turned off the road on to a narrow path just wide enough for the jeep .
18 Ace opened the door just wide enough for the pair to enter , and slammed it shut just as a brick arced over from the darkened bushes .
19 That one of Beonna 's moneyers , Wilred , went on to mint coins for Offa , however , may imply a somewhat earlier date for some at least of Offa 's East Anglian coins , and Offa 's position in East Anglia was already secure enough for the East Anglian bishoprics of Dommoc and Elmham to be included in 787 in the new archdiocese of Lichfield ( see below , p. 174 ) .
20 These highly productive farm plots were the economic foundation for the great Aztec Empire and most likely also for the earlier state of Teotihuacan .
21 " I 'm still strong enough for a tug , " said Stephanie , too brightly .
22 She was beginning to feel very hungry , hardly strong enough for a serious talk about religion .
23 any lock which is detailed under 2 above for a main entrance door(s)/final exit door(s) together with
24 but , erm , she was hoping to come to the meeting this evening , but she phoned at the last minute and said she could n't make it , but erm , I do n't know if it would be more appropriate perhaps for the schools groups to get in touch with her and I
25 Disgusted by his own conceit , Maxim drifted out to the steps down to the lawn — the night was still warm enough for the big windows to be open-flanked by two huge , discreetly floodlit magnolia trees .
26 It seemed hardly large enough for a child .
27 They did n't , they we , they have them more frequently now and they 're getting even more and more infrequent now for the rest of the year .
28 More embarrassing still for the Republican Party was the admission on March 17 that three former members of the House who were currently in Bush 's Cabinet — Defence Secretary Dick Cheney , Labour Secretary Lynn Martin , and Agriculture Secretary Edward Madigan — had also written uncovered cheques during the 39-month period ( July 1988-October 1991 ) covered by the investigation .
29 Ten or fifteen minutes is usually long enough for the activity .
30 Such a position , however , makes it more difficult thereafter for the solicitor to admit that the case presents too great a challenge and that it should be transferred to a solicitor with even more ‘ substantial criminal experience ’ .
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