Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The reverse also holds ; the smaller the organization , the less prevalent the problems and generally the more constructive and productive the conflict .
2 Those who can pay but refuse to do so muddy the waters and make it more difficult for local Labour councils to adopt and sustain humane collection policies .
3 The endoscopic appearance suggested malignancy in only half the cases and was compatible with gastritis or a benign peptic ulcer in the remaineder .
4 It was not unusual for reliefs to reach the front with only half the numbers that set out , nor for this nightmare approach march to last ten hours or longer .
5 He so underpriced the shares that the taxpayer lost £1,200 million on the first afternoon of dealing .
6 Col. Whitaker would not be quite so anti the motorbikes if they were ‘ properly controlled and made to use silencers .
7 So profuse are the flowers , so many the farms and plantations of banana , coconut , fruit and vegetables around the middle of the city that you would sometimes wonder if you were in a park or a great tropical garden .
8 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
9 If we group together all the industries that were predominantly in public ownership on the departure of the Labour government , we find that their total employment was thrown into decline in the North from 1978 to 1981 , but that it continued to grow in the South .
10 Only one event pulls together all the strands that go to make up the complete electronic publishing market , Electronic Publishing&print 1988 .
11 ‘ Return To Sanity ’ gathers together all the odds and ends from that session and , in so doing , provides the full picture of a band who probably deserved better treatment .
12 The second method generally available for synonym handling is to chain together all the records that randomize to the same address .
13 So all the players that I teach have to be very strong .
14 So important was this and so adept the participants that the farmers-general and the Van Necks were able to persuade both the French and British governments to permit the continued shipment of British tobacco to France during the wars of 1744–8 and 1756–63 .
15 Somerset 's visit to Orneau , Belfast in mid-August will then reduce to only two the counties that have never played Ireland .
16 If claims do arise , it is in everyone 's interest to be able to identify easily all the matters that were disclosed .
17 ‘ It 's just all the gh-ghosts that scare me , ’ said Tommy .
18 Knowing she was loved by this powerful , dictatorial , gentle , wonderful man wiped away all the wounds and hurts of the past .
19 I believe that GPs , whether fund holders or not , recognise , like everyone else in the NHS , that Labour 's plans to turn all the reforms upside down and to throw away all the gains that have been made in the past three years are the last thing that the service needs .
20 Throw away all the books that give a stable routine which starts at 7am with morning feed and fills up the rest of the day with activities like quartering and setting fair — most of which none of us have time for !
21 Of his modest Welsh Ring cycle he said , ‘ I aimed to strip away all the burdens that philosophers have put on everybody 's shoulders about the Ring , and take a very fresh , sensuous look at it . ’
22 It seemed , in that brilliant silence , to be flinging open all the pores and cells of its being to the Light that poured into it .
23 Soon all the passengers and soldiers would be dead .
24 THE world 's favourite airline yesterday rubber-stamped the rumours that have been swirling on Qantas .
25 He had a horse and cart and he 'd go to Norwich and bring home all the parcels and that for all the tradesmen here in Bungay .
26 They claimed a hit by a vessel in the harbour but were then attacked by Ju87s of II/St.G 2 , which also machine-gunned the destroyers but without any serious effects .
27 It is certainly fortunate for us that the numbers are unequal because , if they had been the same , nearly all the quarks and antiquarks would have annihilated each other in the early universe and left a universe filled with radiation but hardly any matter .
28 Nearly all the cases that came before the Court were appeals by national governments and industries against decisions of the High Authority .
29 Nearly all the signatures and dates on Cubist paintings executed by Picasso and Braque between 1907 and 1913 have been added much later .
30 Nearly all the walls and woodwork in the house are washed with colour — a technique which produces are more gentle effect than straight painting .
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