Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 It was all so different from this time last year , when the sun shone brightly and millions crammed sands from Bournemouth to Blackpool .
2 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
3 Furthermore , it is so cold during this time of the year that , without heating , patients do not want to be admitted .
4 I had taken Miss Senga into Hyde Park with the intention of showing her some of the winter birds , and the park is so beautiful at this time of the year , what with the snow piled up . "
5 DO N'T FORGET Mice can be especially damaging at this time of year .
6 I never expected it to be so hot at this time of the year and I did n't know there was a pool .
7 Paviour 's uneasiness and distaste had grown so palpable by this time that his rigid bones looked tensed to breaking point .
8 Also lacking through routes , as well as extending over seventy miles , Sussex has always been administered in two divisions with two county towns , of which the second , Lewes , was similar in size to Chichester , though less prosperous at this time in having far fewer affluent burgesses and no well-paid artificers .
9 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
10 phrases such as ‘ Korea is a dagger pointed at the heart of Japan ’ were commonly used to denote Korea 's strategic significance , and of all the varying motivations governing Japanese policy in Asia it was the issue of national defence which was most crucial at this time .
11 Whiting thin on the ground which is most unusual at this time .
12 Doubtless this view is influenced by the fact that children 's reading ability is more limited at this time .
13 It was always busy at this time of the year in Belmodes , preparing the collection for the next season .
14 But " valuer " is much more common at this time .
15 Buying two wooden spoons can be more fun at this time than purchasing an expensive set of china in later years .
16 There was an interval of clashing bolts and keys turning — she had to remind herself that it must be nearly eleven by this time , and that this was an isolated spot — before the door opened .
17 I have no doubt that these three great creations represent the work if not of one artist at least of one school ; possibly Argos or Sicyon , both prominent at this time .
18 Harold was slightly fleshy at this time of his life , in his mid-forties .
19 I was also concerned at this time that if an aircraft registered in a particular State crashed in the sea outside territorial waters , it was open to anyone to salvage it .
20 I was nearly desperate by this time , and in my drunkenness I said ‘ Yes , if you want to know I 'm in love with Hanns and I 'm missing him ; now please go ! ’
21 Also notable at this time are the efforts of the different Christian publishers for the ‘ Year with the Bible ’ .
22 Most people would agree that bodily examination and tactile contact are inadvisable if not ethically impermissible at this time ; beyond this the only consideration may be the worker 's conscience and departmental policy .
23 Lovat badly wounded , probably dead by this time !
24 Also active at this time as receiver of Admiralty droits in Sussex , he was restored to the commission in 1628 .
25 Although rather busy at this time of year , Father Christmas took time off from granting wishes at Selfridges ' Rupert Bear grotto in London , to sample a selection of British mince pies .
26 The Nazification drive had been remarkably successful by this time .
27 Crataegus prunifolia is particularly good at this time of the year , a tough , compact little tree , no more than 15-20ft at maturity , making a broad , spiny head furnished with glossy green leaves .
28 ‘ I believe , ’ Husband went on , ‘ that Rotherhithe is particularly beautiful at this time of year .
29 They get particularly nasty at this time of the year .
30 Miracle Squares I think there 's a lot of thought gone into it you know , it ca n't be easy to re er to , to just dream up a game erm , I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers , the waiter , ha tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all , the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it 's Groucho Marx , the , they 've got this massive hall , and er these big steps leading down into it you know and as , as they 're coming in there 's somebody at the top and Ann says who 's , who 's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive , he should be here any minute now , he should be here dead on this time you know , he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da , da , da , da , the king of Snowdonia , and there 's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he 's in bed with
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