Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is artistically total tosh and merely a vehicle for an imagination nowhere close to reaching puberty .
2 Whether you 're looking for a fragrant floribunda , the most patio-friendly variety or simply your favourite hue , our information will point you in the right direction .
3 They provide all the classic tones , from full and ripe through soft and pingy to pure and sharp , all with remarkably low noise and completely even volume levels from position to position , with the Manson 's maple top , generous neck and heavy machineheads adding a great sense of solidity and authority to the sound .
4 Privately owned land tends to move to its most profitable use but frequently obstacles , either physical or human , delay such movements , particularly where it is necessary to assemble adjacent parcels of land to form a viable development site .
5 Then Jack heard the shuffling , rustling sound again ; it was much louder this time and more urgent .
6 These follow a rather different pattern and generally exclude part-timers .
7 Brush each strip of pastry with a little melted butter and then sandwich together in threes .
8 It was a tremendously interesting job but clearly not one you could do for very long . ’
9 that 's the most civilized country as well
10 ‘ It 's that relentlessly upbeat approach that really grates with me ’
11 Marijuana was the most popular drug but only seven per cent of students had ever taken LSD .
12 The most relevant comparison is probably with southern Italy , where there has been substantial depopulation and many individual agricultural holdings are of economically unviable size and highly fragmented .
13 As Roberts notes , ‘ there is nothing about these concepts as such … , which excludes either women or a feminist analysis … but traditionally , studies of sexual divisions have been accorded somewhat low status and certainly seen as peripheral to the central concerns of the subject ’ ( Roberts , 1981b , p. 75 ) .
14 While BT can be pleased that it bought into McCaw at a much lower price than today 's going rate and that it will be difficult for other overseas companies to enter the US domestic market , it will be some time before its investment begins to yield a return .
15 Although the demand for rabbit meat has shown some improvement , the general attitude of the consumer has helped to keep demand at a much lower level than previously .
16 In this case , the O 2s AO has a much lower energy than either the O 2p z AO or the symmetric combination of H 1s AOs , and is more closely held to the oxygen core than the O 2p z AO .
17 Nick , who had feared a torridly emotional hour or so was relieved by this ; grateful , he had shared half a bottle of brandy with Martin and told him a great deal about the behaviour of adolescents in certain African tribes , a safe subject , and one he was apt to enlarge on when drunk .
18 ‘ Those counterparts could pass on not only technical advice but also management skills , and an understanding of the workings of the international market . ’
19 They are interesting things to erect since one rushes round doing things to apparently little effect and then suddenly it 's all there .
20 The river is a jealously guarded preserve and very expensive .
21 Her the narrow lanes are most pleasant for cycling , horseriding or even driving out in a pony trap for there is so little traffic and so much nature to be observed .
22 Sometimes the candidates have so little imagination and so little understanding of the work of the examiner that a new question is started at the bottom of the page .
23 Shelf consultation seems to produce not only low recall but also low precision .
24 Consequently , rather than viewing the totalitarian structure of the PCF as a source of oppression , it is more productive to view it as the chosen institution within which Nizan found not only political asylum but also emotional and moral equilibrium , a refuge in short which provided him with a necessary disciplined working environment .
25 It will then be submitted to me and I shall review not only that evidence but all the earlier evidence , the reports of the trial and all the voluminous other aspects of the case .
26 As Ives ( 1987 ) has discussed , it is widely believed that the situation in the Himalaya will reach crisis proportions by the turn of the century , affecting not only that region but also downstream and deltaic areas that are in receipt of drainage from the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers .
27 This creates grounds for closure of the less popular school and thus reduces educational provision in the more deprived area .
28 If you simply want a riding holiday , based on a centre with perhaps some instruction as well then the West Country is a good bet .
29 This has the apparently anomalous result that both the policeman and the defendant are using force lawfully .
30 Owen half-realized this and if he had had any sense would have shut up , but Mahmoud 's moods blew up very suddenly out of an apparently clear sky and once again he was slow in reacting .
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