Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not so clear what the theoretical foundations ( within psychology ) of the kinship school might be .
2 As the hon. Gentleman knows from previous exchanges in the House , following the appeal to the European Court the present law is unclear and no one is entirely certain what the correct law is at present .
3 On a more serious one the same efforts underlay the calling in 1767 of the Legislative Commission , the most ambitious effort made in eighteenth-century Russia to provide the country with a rationalized and workable legal code .
4 When the pressures of the market and of urban local democracy ( which had earlier restricted rural development ) were replaced by ministerial investment control and rural pressure group activity at the national level , the consequences for efficiency and equality were not always those which the rival contemporary slogans of left and right might lead one to expect from them .
5 To the CEGB , however , the tragedy was a closed book : its lessons had been learned , the main one being that there was precious little which the British nuclear industry need change .
6 If female lodgers are regarded as ‘ available ’ , it is also clear what the popular newspapers think of female hitch-hikers .
7 Erm the the somebody speaking includes erm address someone to make it really obvious who the next speaker 's going to be .
8 Normally it is vanilla , but I do n't think the Russians are as amazed our the different flavours as people think . ’
9 In most cases it is immediately clear what the semantic constituents of a sentence ( or part thereof ) are .
10 It was not long before the dynamics of politics made such niceties quite irrelevant , The bulk of the Labour party came out in opposition , not only to the National Government , but to any economies , even those which the Labour Cabinet had agreed .
11 Indeed , the casual indifference of this earlier document makes it quite clear what the English were after ; France , as the later memorandum said , must not make Scotland a ‘ footstool ’ to look over England , and whether that be resolved , as the memorial of the 8th put it , by Mary 's heir Châtelherault or by her bastard half-brother lord James , should he have designs on the crown , really did not matter .
12 Now cross-examinations can not be prepared , because you can never be quite sure what the other side 's witnesses are going to say until they are actually in the box .
13 So I 'm not quite sure what the long term connection with er talk
14 Er , there is this curious erm , not quite sure what the right word is for it .
15 Interpreting data in terms of slow-moving massive monopoles is not easy , because no one is quite sure what the ionising effects of such particles might be .
16 While it is as yet unclear what the new guidelines will mean in practice , experts have noted that biotechnology in the United States will be less regulated than in Europe .
17 Not every piece of social research has a very strongly theoretical aspect to it and many of the more ‘ applied ’ research projects have their greatest value in clarifying limited areas of behaviour where people had not been absolutely sure what the real position was .
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