Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The meetings in Washington recaptured something of the wartime Anglo-American relationship that had done so much to win the Second World War .
2 Only three attended the next meeting on 21st September , at which it was resolved to take steps to reduce the quorum from five to three , and the meeting adjourned ; two weeks later , however , steps had not been taken — in the absence of a quorum , of course , it was impossible — and the meeting had again to be adjourned with only four present .
3 He will by only 31 come the next World Cup .
4 It is obviously helpful to make the first flights in smooth weather , with a clear horizon .
5 Many of us may wonder why it has taken so long to achieve the last two objectives , but I am delighted that the proposal is now to go ahead .
6 If it fails , the world 's biggest democracy will be even less able to survive the next assassin 's blow .
7 After that she felt better able to tackle the next course of chicken and chips .
8 It seems that Teller remained an inexhaustible source of ideas but , as with Winston Churchill , ‘ nine out of ten of them were useless and he needed men with more judgement , even if less gifted to select the tenth idea which was often a stroke of genius ’ .
9 If you 're after domination , it 's also immensely satisfying to have the last word in a conversation .
10 Another point to be remembered in this connection is that an examiner is much more willing to give the first 50 per cent .
11 It is nearly always impossible to raise the first quote .
12 A television turned off by remote control continues to use a quarter of normal power because it needs to be electrically awake to receive the next remote signal to switch back on .
13 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
14 In the circumstances it is not strictly necessary to answer the second question ( i.e. the third issue listed above ) , but in case this case goes further I will do so briefly .
15 If the substrate S can be used for something else , it is clearly efficient to control the first step in the synthesis , S→A , rather than , say , the last one , E→P , because in the latter case E would accumulate .
16 One unfortunate result of our present habit of leaking any information of interest is that the people most concerned become the last to know .
17 Why has everyone forgotten we were 4th the year before ( above scum ) , and the year before that won the 2nd division ?
18 Whether we like it or not , and I must admit I do , Britain is back to two-and-a-bit party politics and Labour is now favourite to win the next election .
19 today this becomes the first railway shadow franchise , its operations hived off into a separate company ready to be sold .
20 There were a number of clues available to Robson : if West had still held the guarded queen of clubs he would almost certainly have kept and exited with his last spade ; if he had held both the king and queen of clubs he would have been equally likely to win the first club with the queen ; and , from what had happened so far , it looked as though West had started with more clubs than his partner .
21 So er it seems to me that it 's particularly invalid to take the last three years .
22 It does n't squeeze very hard , Laba explained , but tightens its grip each time you exhale , making it increasingly harder to draw the next breath .
23 It is then possible to start the next day 's turning a bit earlier than would otherwise be possible .
24 All Marr really knew was that Morrissey had written a book about The New York Dolls and was quite prepared to spend the next hour talking about them if nothing else was to stem from the meeting .
25 The reason for this policy is that it is relatively easy to obtain the first few marks ( say 10 per cent ) for an examination question .
26 So many things happened over the last two rounds , it 's sometimes hard to remember the first two ; I just know it was Trevino versus Jacklin again in the third round and , of course , they were playing together once more .
27 Frankly , I was quite pleased to leave the 11th , for all fighting was over , and a regular outfit is very boring and narrow-minded when not in action .
28 But once families are committed to at least one child and all the disruptions of career and household which inevitably follow , they are then inclined to have the second child that most expect , and are expected , to produce .
29 At midday , with the tent and kit packed in the wheelbarrow , I was almost ready to begin the second day 's walk .
30 Well we have , you maybe surprised to learn the 5th costliest defence in the country , valued at stlg9.3m ( excepting the aberration of Ipswich who have Marshall in the defense valued at stlg3m , when he is actually playing up front ) .
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