Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm so I mean I think , you know , it might be useful , well , in some ways it would be very useful for you to have erm two sort of six month stints in rather different environments so that then you 'd sort of keep your options open a bit .
2 Heads of Department and staff were also asked to use the International Reading Association check list in relation to the most popular texts so that their responses could subsequently be checked with mine ( see appendix 2 for check list and annotation ) .
3 Er so we are concerned that that money perhaps future time so that we can continue to spend whatever money we are doing at the present time er to our roads .
4 er right , okay okay so better preparation so that when you make the presentation it 's more effective , yeah ?
5 Elsewhere , the rate of growth has been such that ancient parishes have been carved into much smaller units so that new churches could serve the expanding population .
6 And also you 'll like it because the cardinal who designed it was a practical joker and built in all sorts of extremely infantile jokes so that he could spray water onto his innocent friends while they were eating their dinner or trying to watch little masques .
7 For most experimental purposes spatial variations occur in only one dimension so that the stimuli appear as light and dark stripes .
8 Given the emphasis currently being placed on the role that schools should be playing , by providing a more socially relevant curriculum , more student-centred learning and a less alienating environment so as to prevent truancy , it is clearly important that education becomes the focus of any intervention .
9 After these reconnaissances during October , a final reconnaissance was made a few days before the invasion , by the teams going inshore one night so that each navigator could show the paddlers their canoes ' positions as navigational marks guiding in the assault waves on D-day .
10 It is now known that information flow from Vl to V4 is segregated in an anatomically discrete channel so that V4 receives input from identifiable subfields of V2 which receive their input from similarly identifiable zones in V1 .
11 The same was true of market produce ; some growers concentrating on just one crop so that ‘ whole tracts , like large arable fields , were sown with only cabbages or asparagus ’ , and he also appreciated the local economy in forcing asparagus through the necks of broken bottles .
12 The bishops will be prepared to confirm children at a rather younger age so that they may be admitted earlier to the communicant life .
13 Effective agencies working in this area also provide a socially supportive environment so that the person can develop a more fulfilling life-style than the one which promoted drinking — often the work , social and family life-styles of the problem drinker revolve around opportunities for drinking , which makes developing a satisfactory role in life without drink extremely difficult .
14 We 're having to go to press early this week so that hundreds of off-season Santa Clause gnomes can stick dice onto magazines ( they 're a damn nuisance these dice , and no mistake ) .
15 The House of Lords Select Committee recommended that the Article should be reinforced to ensure a more liberal interpretation so that financial support could be given to areas of particular conservation interest within the LFA .
16 The increased speed of the modern game and the athleticism of the participants has led to more crowded play so that linesmen are apt to flag when a forward suddenly breaks clear to receive a pass .
17 The retir , the retirement homes are being strategically placed in that position enabling people to be in a real central position so that they can get to all of the amenities they need .
18 Under hypnosis Sylvia remembered being adamant in her refusal to join in a game of hide and seek , which would have involved her in hiding in isolated , cramped and possibly dark surroundings so that she would not be found .
19 The ‘ limited ’ intrusion of ‘ strict liability ’ into criminal law could be expanded to cover more and more corporate behaviour so that the issue of responsibility and intention becomes subsidiary to the more pressing need to compensate victims and make the offending corporation foot the bill .
20 Schools should be able to request more frequent inspections so that the best practice of a few is not brought down to the standard practice of the many .
21 Given that the implications are so profound , however , there is an urgent need to consider ways in which data from the 1991 census and vital registration can be linked in more illuminating ways so as to examine the phenomenon of the unoccupied in more depth .
22 Maybe he seeks a more thrustful mien so that when he goes to his nasty little hutch in the City and glares at his neurotically blinking little screen and barks into his cellular telephone for another tranche of lead futures or whatever , he comes over as just a trifle more macho than we all know him to be .
23 This requires the collection of much more experimental information so that the harmonic and anharmonic terms can be separated , and yet still does not take account of the anharmonic terms in the force field .
24 The credibility of this contention is strengthened by a recent study of perinatal and infant mortality that linked vital registration data for deaths under 1 year so as to overcome numerator-denominator bias .
25 er is not a possibility of having more open days so that general public can come in to see what 's happening and not only advertise in Harlow but advertise I live in Bishop 's Stortford now in the surrounding districts erm time gets although you said you get fifty per cent of people coming from outside of Harlow it does n't matter where the people come from as long as they come so more open days free erm to get people to come in and er particularly er outside people also I would suggest that the er chairman 's of the local district council 's who are not contributing be invited to the open day to see what er the playhouse is doing for the people who live in there er council area 's to see whether we can get some more supports er as a Stortford resident I 'd be quite happy to add a bit on my community charge to go to the playhouse . .
26 This leads to more efficient , effective working and more enthusiastic participation so that tasks are completed and objectives are reached .
27 You 'll see that it is written in a slightly more formal style so that you can be absolutely clear what we expect of your now that you are working in the ES .
28 Can I say finally Chairman , that I will be instigating a er a request er I shall be requesting I should say perhaps to the director of education that erm the three party spokesman on the management committee and all those officers who will be involved in implementing this decision will get together at the earliest and I 'm citing possibly next week so that we can be on our way to plan the next step forward to a concrete implementation of this particular proposal .
29 She stopped to look at the two houses , Brier and Rose , like identical twins wearing slightly different clothing so that one could tell them apart .
30 We 've brought forward the Readers Poll slightly this year so that we can swoon and rail and curse at the results as part of our New Year offensive .
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