Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now when interest charges fall , the person who is buying the house benefits from the reduction in interest charges , but the person who is renting a house in local authority and then in this case nobody , nobody else in Harlow to rent it from , is faced with , not with a decreased monthly rental , but with an ever increasing one because as more and more Council houses are sold the cost of maintaining that there , the superstructure of the town , the cost of maintaining Council houses goes on increasing and so the burden is laid on the tenants and the tenant can find , will find himself that pound for pound increasing his rent while the house owner is decreasing his mortgage charges and at the end of the day the tenant is paying increased rent , increased rate and with nothing to show for it , erm , I 've always been in favour of a sale , of , of property er owner occupiers , but not at the expense of the people who can not afford to be owner occupiers , ah , to my mind , the present housing system is designed to maintain the existing class structure because even with the large discounts that one gets and nobody 's ever yet convinced me that why you should get a discount because you buy a Council house , but if you buy one privately owned you ca n't get a discount and it , there 's , this , this is so utter nonsense , but it is throwing a much heavier burden every time a house is sold on the remaining houses which are for rent , and so you that , although the idea is to make it a classless this society with more and more people owning their own properties the mo the mere fact that the majority of people in the town can not afford to buy even the reduced priced Council house , is an example that the , the system , the class system a division by income still exists .
2 Er you can go to the X-ray department there any day Monday to Friday , any time between nine and four thirty , so it 's basically all day every day .
3 She ‘ ran away ’ to London in order to get sleep and rest and not have to talk to so many people every day . ’
4 They do it for to keep him going and then they 'll say he says you know I 'm used to getting up at half four and going so many miles every morning for a big jog .
5 The shops were still open — it was more or less late night every night this time of year — I remember that .
6 So first thing every morning , the shrew trots round the course , clearing away any twigs or leaves that might have fallen across it with side-swipes of its delicate fore-legs .
7 The Government talk about competition , but what chance is there for competition in rural areas where there is perhaps only one bus every hour , or every two or three hours ?
8 The alarm was sounded when a routine check on a reactor near Lyon in France revealed that the dome had developed cracks where the control rods penetrate the casing , causing internal leakage of a litre of highly radioactive water every hour .
9 If he was working for only two days every week it would be ten weeks before he began to make a profit .
10 Only last September every frame of Rupert Bear 's new animated TV series had to be minutely examined after a Canadian animator decided to liven up Rupert 's life .
11 A DO-IT-YOURSELF narrow gauge railway raises steam for just one month every summer along one of Britain 's most famous light railway trackbeds … writes RICHARD BEAN .
12 The fish on the bench have increased over the year and he asked everyone to bring out just one fish every meeting .
13 The best approach is to do a little hard work every day , exercising enough to become breathless and increase the heart beat .
14 Finally , you should set aside some time every week to take stock of your work and your progress .
15 Thing is , my old man 's had them for so long that he just , he he puts them in a in a cup of this like sterile solution every night .
16 Dr Postlethwait pioneered the influential " audio-tutorial " method of teaching freshman botany , stimulated by finding himself faced with the task of teaching freshman botany to some 500 and more new students every semester and with a timetable allocation of three weekly hours of lecture or lab time .
17 ‘ If the Governor set aside four hours every day for two months he could spend a minute on each decision package , not enough time to read it , let alone make an analysis of its merits ’ ( Anthony , 1977 , p. 19 ) .
18 That is why we do a little aerobic exercise every day — just enough to make us puff and exercise our heart without over-doing it .
19 The star , not inclined to be bored by his own performance , gave a slightly different interpretation every time , keeping the rest of the cast on its toes .
20 Kathryn cooks a traditionally English meal every evening using fresh local produce and vegetables .
21 In the camera , the image formed by the lens is scanned electronically 25 times every second .
22 Reldresal spoke again , to suggest saving money by giving you a little less food every day .
23 Some of the guinea pigs stopped running for a week after a competitive marathon , while a second group jogged lightly for about 30 minutes every day the week after the race .
24 Despite October 's United Nations-brokered peace accord , landmines still maim about 300 people every month .
25 Amtrak deals with about 12,000 parcels every day , and guarantees delivery the next morning .
26 She still does about 100 concerts every year with her six-piece band .
27 I 'd say on average I get about 10 letters every day . ’
28 Railfreight said that , according to the operations department at York , there were too many problems with the limestone train occu-pying the single line branch for about six hours every day .
29 By the mid-1980s TMAM could boast 30,000 plus visitors per annum , swollen by the now well-established Aerojumble every autumn .
30 Some 88 million bottles are consumed every year , i.e the equivalent of nearly ¼ million bottles every day — or about three bottles every second of every day .
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