Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] me [prep] my " in BNC.

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1 And that annoyed me enough to drive me to my cabin , to clean myself up and choose fresh clothing .
2 People write me letters saying that although they only know me from my photos , they feel that they know something about my personality .
3 ‘ Oh , it 's got nothing to do with business , ’ Alison replied with a laugh that ever so gently reprimanded me for my mercantile preoccupations .
4 She gently tells me of my mistakes , and praises me if I do well .
5 She only liked me for my wealth , and when I , disguised as the gipsy woman , told her that I had only a little money , she and her mother lost interest in me .
6 As you yourself so candidly pointed out , she was only marrying me for my money — and , of course , to get out of a fix . ’
7 The smell of couscous and other grain which filled the air constantly reminded me of my own situation .
8 ‘ Mildred Hubble , perhaps you would be kind enough to assist me in my predicament ? ’
9 Perhaps that was one of the reasons which prompted my father to teach me to read , and so divert me from my inexorable pursuit of my mother .
10 I think the players would have been men enough to tell me to my face .
11 MONDAY 6th OCTOBER X only wanted me for my body I will commit suicide
12 ‘ But , for your information , Doreen is no longer reminding me of my mother .
13 I am just an ordinary Daleswoman and if I began to think or act otherwise I know a few people around here who would soon bring me to my senses .
14 Diarrhoea , which I had now had for five days , finally drove me from my bed at six-thirty .
15 Sister Margaret is always nagging me about my earrings and telling me to take them off , but I 'm not going to .
16 She had a soft voice and always put me at my ease .
17 My dad was once testing me on my biology and we came up to these films and the subject of drugs and I said just , you know , just as a joke and I thought he would just laugh it off , I said have you done any ?
18 " He usually asks me for my criticism , " she said to one interviewer .
19 The air hostesses inquired what I was making and a man passing in the aisle quite genuinely complimented me on my work . ’
20 Pat always reminded me of my own shape — a reasonably well proportioned figure but very heavy on the hips and thighs .
21 Stan Wickenden , purchasing director of Renshaws , quickly disabused me of my fanciful notions that Mitcham harboured fabulous nut-cracking machinery : ‘ Of course , you realise that most nuts are imported ready shelled .
22 ‘ A fire always reminds me of my brother Charlie .
23 ‘ Very well , ’ answered the wife , ‘ and it always reminds me of my former Croydon neighbour , Pam Hook , who also taught Medau . ’
24 May I through the Journal , say thank you to all my friends and colleagues who contributed to my retirement present [ camcorder ] — a gift that 's much appreciated and will always remind me of my 32+ years at JS .
25 She mostly calls me by my last name .
26 Er right okay well I 'll tell you what , I think erm people are coming to see me until about two or three or so but erm if you come a bit after three you 'll probably catch me on my own
27 In his first letter from there he makes a significant little admission to Theo , and encloses a sketch : ‘ I should like to begin making hasty sketches of some of the many things I meet … but as it would probably keep me from my real work it is better not to start . ’
28 My mother and father both encouraged me in my playing , but I was n't encouraged to get into the business because they knew it was kind of tough .
29 After a few hours a rustling noise nearly shocked me off my boulder .
30 The first time she nearly burnt me in my bed , and the second time she visited you , and must have been reminded of her own wedding day by seeing your wedding dress . ’
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