Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] him of the " in BNC.

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1 His present celebrity is a fairly recent phenomenon , and he insists that it has not really affected him , although he acknowledges that his appearances on television shows and in magazine profiles have somewhat robbed him of the anonymity which still clings to his ‘ invisible ’ friend , Cartier-Bresson .
2 For the remaining half-hour she would be pleasant to him , and then she would quietly and purposefully remind him of the time , and with gentle dignity insist that he take her home .
3 ‘ Mortmain' , or dead hand , refers to the fact that the church was an undying institution so that any land which it held in fee ( or freehold ) was never vacated by the death of its owner or came into the possession of a minor or an heiress ; thus it would never revert ( or escheat ) to the chief lord for the duration of the vacancy or minority , so depriving him of the valuable rights of wardship and marriage appertaining to feudal tenure .
4 A few years later Clement V , formerly archbishop of Bordeaux , granted Edward further papal tenths , and thus relieved him of the need to tax the clergy directly or even to seek subsidies from his difficult lay subjects .
5 In either case , a court which revokes the order following a breach will be empowered to sentence the offender as if it had just convicted him of the original offence .
6 As I have the text in front of me , let me just remind him of the conclusions of the comparison between the preparedness of British young people and German young people for employment on the strength of the education and training systems in the two countries .
7 His hatred of the Empress , whom he never forgave for producing a male heir and thus depriving him of the succession to the throne , together with his inveterate hostility to what he considered to be the ‘ reactionary powers ’ , led him at times into very deep waters indeed .
8 Nevertheless , it did add to royal pressure upon the archbishop and further reminded him of the realities of royal power : in 1285 he petitioned for the relaxation of the statute , especially in respect of grants to parish churches , but Edward reserved his right to licence — to confer or withhold favour .
9 Despite her pleas Raja Pala insisted he would only return her wings if she first bore him a child , whose eyes might always remind him of the world she came from .
10 For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there .
11 A parliamentary inquiry eventually cleared him of the allegations in June , but investigations continued into the conduct of Erik Ninn Hansen , who had been Justice Minister at the time .
12 Mark then told him of the occasion when he had been driving down O'Connell Street some twenty or so years before , when he had inadvertently misunderstood the hand signals of the policeman on traffic duty , and had moved off before he had been cleared to do so .
13 One then reminds him of the Smith case , and asks whether he still thinks that Smith was wrong .
14 A second application in two weeks , followed by another more careful combing , would completely rid him of the pests .
15 Kiro Gligorov of the Macedonian LC was elected President of the republic only at the second attempt on Jan. 27 after VMRO-DPMNE deputies had failed to back him ( he was sole candidate ) in a first ballot on Jan. 19 , thereby depriving him of the necessary two-thirds majority .
16 ‘ Who knows about this ? ’ he asked when Kelly haltingly told him of the latest threat to her .
17 He had already learned his lesson by painful experience ; the burn-like swelling on his left calf still throbbed occasionally to remind him of the morning a week ago when he had drawn on his trousers carelessly , to discover that a scorpion had spent the night nestling in one of the legs .
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