Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] up [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be like a strong wind tearing into the warmth , ripping the fabric of the old rugs , overturning the lamps , plucking loose all the hair so skilfully wound up into neat and careful buns , unravelling her mother 's dainty stitches , unravelling her mother .
2 Suspension : If dirt was merely broken up into small particles cleaning would not necessarily be able to take place as there would be nothing to prevent the dirt reforming and re-attaching to a surface .
3 One area of child development that the child psychiatrists appeared to have made passably tidy , has been somewhat roughed up by ethological methods over recent years .
4 His physical presence was all mixed up with muddy tracks , overgrown woodland paths , rain and barbed wire fences and glasses of beer in steamy pubs .
5 In particular , prices for drawings from the Low Countries were stagnant ( and thus decreased in real terms ) until 1986 , they soared in 1987 but not enough to catch up with French and Italian .
6 Keith Richards tells with a mixture of jealousy and amazement the story that the guitar classes John Lee conducts at home are entirely made up of young girls .
7 In Britain , it is almost entirely made up of upper-middle class , late-middle aged , white men .
8 In fact atoms are almost entirely made up of free space .
9 The octopus can even modify the texture of its skin at high speed , a smooth , plain surface suddenly furrowing up into complex folds and ridges and gaining a complex blotched patterning at the same time .
10 Mild defects only shown up on sophisticated psychological testing are common in people with AIDS , or who are unwell as a result of HIV infection .
11 I was too defiant to return to such an art school , so cramped , so bunged up with petty authority .
12 Playing Richard is so bound up with physical attitude , and I think that as actors we are not well enough equipped to meet that kind of physical thinking in that kind of role .
13 He is constantly coming up with bright ideas for making money .
14 No-one likes a relationship to fail , and most of us strive to stay in one , only giving up with great sadness and when the good in whatever we have shared is finally outweighed by the bad .
15 If your footwear is uncomfortable you will not only end up with sore feet or blisters but you could become a danger to yourself or , worse , still , to others who might have to come and rescue you .
16 The assumption behind this shift was that an ideal black music would naturally link up with socialist politics .
17 only go up to certain , yeah , though people ca n't afford to go to them
18 RELAXING AFTER The Searchers but still masterly , this is Howard Hawks ' critique of High Noon , arguing a true professional like Wayne would n't waste his time begging amateurs for help and would only go up against superior odds if he thought he could cheat his way to victory .
19 Even one daft enough to wake up in early February .
20 Well she does n't necessarily end up in general practice does she ?
21 Still , ‘ Arry Boy was good enough to dress up as Old Father Time for our exclusive picture .
22 Jack 's been so cut up about poor Charlie .
23 One end of the room was entirely taken up by built-in cupboards full of books , photographs and racing trophies prominently displayed .
24 To do this , it has to not only come up with single products but be able to place them in product systems and even combine them in innovative ways .
25 If , however , your car has been fitted with a catalytic converter ( see below ) you can only fill up with unleaded .
26 So these are not based , they they are similar , they 're not out of line but erm they I mean I do n't think that you can necessarily pick up from past exam papers what 'll be on the next .
27 Judith Chegwidden , of Putney CLP , said a Labour government must be tough enough to face up to special interest groups and those , including herself , who had ‘ dangerous consumerist tendencies and want to own motor cars in urban areas — cars that pour out pollution and make people 's lives a misery ’ .
28 Instead of subsiding now that he was no longer touching her , the disturbance he had caused deepened as she looked at him and understood that the warning was a personal one , merely dressed up as professional advice .
29 ‘ But transfer fees are so blown up for British players that managers are now forced to look abroad .
30 People such as Richard Branson and the Body Shop founders constantly come up with new ideas .
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