Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The move was widely regarded as an expression of his increasing dissatisfaction with the Labour Party , with which his Yahad party had merged in 1986 [ see p. 34770 ] .
2 The attack was widely regarded as an assassination attempt on Gilchrist Olympio , chairman of the opposition alliance Union of the Forces of Change ( UFC ) , who suffered serious injuries .
3 Many similar examples can be found around the world , but in Britain there is substantial historical evidence which suggests that sharing with relatives outside the nuclear family in adult life has never been widely regarded as an ideal to be aimed for ( see chapter 2 ) .
4 Local government , however , is also widely regarded as an instrument of democratic self-government .
5 The King 's speech was therefore widely regarded as an attempt to halt Jordan 's drift into regional isolation .
6 The move , widely regarded as an attempt to appease the government 's right-wing critics unhappy with the slow pace of Islamic reform and with recent Gulf war policy [ see pp. 38007 ; 38102 ] , was expected to be resisted by women 's groups and minorities .
7 The move , described as " a balancing act " , was widely regarded as an attempt by the government both to pacify religious fundamentalists critical of recent changes in its policy towards Afghanistan [ see pp. 38725-26 ] , and to secure closer co-operation from the ISI .
8 In what was widely regarded as an attempt to deflate the extraordinary personality cult which had grown up around him since his cancer was publicized , the King referred indirectly to his own mortality .
9 The ceremony was widely regarded as an effort to restore Prussia 's regional identity after its suppression during the years of communist rule in the former East Germany , and simultaneously to dissociate Frederick the Great from the Nazi Party , which had revered his military power .
10 There are , she says , around 71,000 households on council waiting lists in Tyne and Wear , Northumberland and County Durham and yet housing and homelessness rarely surfaced as an election issue .
11 And the only thing that seems to stand in the way of doing anything commercially sensible with County Farms is that every time we deal with it , somebody says , ah , but it can only exist as an entity , let's keep it as that , let's pass it on to a trust , let's safeguard it , let's do this and that .
12 Even so , I am teetering on the brink of spending £300 to replace the turntable I foolishly ditched as an anachronism a few months ago .
13 The training was not very comprehensive and was really only intended as an introduction to the cutters , but we all enjoyed ourselves as I recall , although a few of us with previous experience considered ourselves as veterans .
14 It is only intended as an example and does not necessarily indicate the best way to call the routines .
15 Quigley gave what I can only describe as an eldritch screech and came at me with both arms , legs and the front bit of his head .
16 So considered as an action , Pooh 's observation will succeed if this belief of his is true : that is , if tasting what 's in the pot will in fact make Pooh believe it 's honey if it is honey , and believe it 's not if it 's not .
17 It was pleasant to stroll around on an evening such as this , thinking productively about the work which would make his name ( and his fortune ) and restore to him the sense of achievement he had so greatly enjoyed as an undergraduate journalist and Union wit .
18 At this stage he is thinking of something comparable with the Advanced Sea Kayak Club , perhaps operating as an offshoot of the Open Canoe Association of Great Britain in parallel with the Open Canoe Sailing Group .
19 The Review always stood outside that lay literary world , or at least emphasized its academic distinction from it , and is in fact better seen as an enterprise typical of a new phase of academic English described by Gross in the following extract :
20 For instance under the floorboards were tons of sea shells used for insulation , and behind the wooden panels were mock painted versions , obviously applied as an experiment .
21 He was obviously serving as an example .
22 Stockman , Regan and the president all made it clear that compromise was not on offer — a position that Jones rightly interpreted as an assault on congressional prerogatives .
23 Where the seller is successful in adding his additional clause , the guarantee obviously acts as an exclusion of liability .
24 That is to say , is it not the case that a religion in which the Godhead is represented as male , or central to which is a male human being , necessarily acts as an ideology which is biased against half of humanity ?
25 The unsecured creditors therefore sued Salomon personally for the debts which were owed by the company to them , alleging that the company merely acted as an agent or a ‘ front ’ for Salomon himself .
26 Denis Diderot gained lasting fame as the energetic editor of the French Encyclopaedia , but he is also rightly celebrated as an art critic .
27 In 1642–3 he apparently served as an intelligence officer under the Long Parliament 's committee of safety .
28 Tite , obviously speaking as an architect , warned the House that if working drawings were prepared and tenders obtained from builders , Manners would find himself committed .
29 The poor dim little creatures doubtless need all the help they can get , and I promise not to confuse them with anything so threatening as an idea . ’
30 John Berger believes it raises more questions than meet the eye Photograph of Pollock in his studio by Hans Namuth The suicide of art Pollock and Lee Krasner : when they first met she was 34 and better known as an artist than he was .
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