Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] at a high " in BNC.

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1 Theory is no substitute for practical experience and this experience is often only bought at a high price .
2 It was clear from the work done then that , even after a full year , major changes in unemployment , self-employment , and employment taken up and ended within the group , were still occurring at a high rate .
3 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
4 ‘ Personal development is , we believe of key importance to ensure that motivation is always running at a high level .
5 Jackie lived at a high pitch , he was making hay while the sun shone , he was spreading himself thin with a young family and as many interests as he could cram into the year ; for someone always highly strung , always working at a high pitch of nervousness , an ulcer was the logical consequence .
6 In 1940 , Mannheim concluded : ’ Where unemployment and crime both stand at a high water mark , it can safely be assumed that the latter is largely due to the former . ’
7 I explained , however , that because her arousal had clearly remained at a high pitch during uninterrupted lovemaking , she had indeed experienced a multiple orgasm .
8 The 5-ASA did not affect any cytotoxic activity significantly whereas ADCC and lymphokine activated killer activity were slightly decreased at a high 5-ASA concentration .
9 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
10 During the year , SCDI hosted many such meetings and a few of our guests were The number of visitors to the Scottish Council from overseas continued at a high level .
11 Moreover , at the beginning of such crises the production of consumer goods either remained at a high level or actually continued to increase .
12 To express four proteins in the quadruple vector we selected the genes that were either expressed at a high level in insect cells ( eg , VP2 , VP6 , VP7 , NS1 ) by single expression vector systems or can be assembled into a morphological structure in a native configuration ( 10 , 16 , 17 , 19 ) .
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