Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] i [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Not only did I not want surgery or drugs , but I hoped that in refusing them I would not be offending my surgeon !
2 Not only did I not know how the apple had come to be on the bookcase , or in the house for that matter ; but how could it be perfect in every way .
3 Taking the binoculars from round my neck , I proffered them , saying , ‘ You observe how amateur my lurking was — not only did I not conceal myself , but I did not use my chief lurking weapon .
4 So do I also swear on my honour , ’ Jaq assured the man .
5 It was sweet of you to go ; I just thought I better get something but once these attacks start it 's a bit too late to take anything really .
6 In the seven years we lived there , only once did I ever meet another fisherman on my favourite part of the river ; and over the years I came to know the South Tyne and its wildlife as well as Mole or Rat in Wind and the Willows ever knew their water .
7 Out of the hundreds of people I interviewed , only once did I genuinely fear for my job .
8 In consequence in my childhood memories she does not feature as much as my father ; only later did I fully appreciate her forceful yet lovable character .
9 And how far do I not accept what I think I might get in order to remain on good terms .
10 Now do I just wait outside the classroom ?
11 Only then did I properly examine what lay before me .
12 And as her heart turned over , so she again remembered his , ‘ Believe me , I would n't take you anywhere did I not want to ’ of yesterday .
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