Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even if a wife were expressly to agree to sexual intercourse on demand , such a promise would not in English law be contractually binding upon her .
2 However , apart from references to this by the local residents , an internal memorandum from the borough engineer dated 26 January 1983 expressly refers to 24-hour operation .
3 This presumably refers to devotional access to the rood-loft ( by newel stair or ladder ) .
4 France oscillated between mid-nineteenth-century free trade and , more lastingly , protectionism : slow to industrialize , France , for most of the Third Republic ( 1870–1940 ) , was little given to central planning or state interventionism .
5 The lysates also contained several immunoreactive polypeptides with smaller M r s , which presumably correspond to proteolytic degradation products of the two native PLCs .
6 Arguing that a dominant group may be so well entrenched that it is unaware of any potential challenge , Lukes points to the importance of socially and culturally patterned behaviour , to ways of acting and thinking which are taken for granted and which are rarely exposed to serious challenge .
7 It eventually led to Civil War .
8 Rainout occurs when material is incorporated into cloud water droplets or ice crystals which eventually grow to sufficient size to overcome gravity and fall to the ground .
9 Attending external events , and giving training , including giving speeches where required to do so , thereby contributing to public understanding of the judiciary .
10 The package , which confirmed Italy 's position as the Western state most committed to Lebanese reconstruction , comprised US$240 million in export credits , US$94 million in concessionary loans , US$64 million in grants and US$63 million in mixed credits .
11 This , supposedly , is when students are most committed to independent study and this is when students ' weaknesses in study skills techniques are most readily exposed .
12 Many fewer people leave school at 16 than did when the examinations were introduced ; and more every year are being encouraged to stay at school or to leave only to go to sixth-form college , college of further education , or wherever else they may receive education that will lead to a higher accreditation .
13 During the pre-Campaign Wave , visits by Thatcher to Moscow and Kinnock to Washington naturally led to intense television coverage of defence issues .
14 Tories are not much given to Freudian analysis , but one minister said , the party remained psychotic after the trauma of three years ago .
15 Eamonn McCann described him as a ‘ passionate Republican , much given to violent rhetoric ’ .
16 So in 1877 the men at the Middleton Iron Company were given their notice , though they stubbornly clung to short-time employment until 1883 when the plant was shut down completely until 1897 .
17 Arbitration not only led to centralised wage-fixing and a high degree of centralised decision-making by both employers and unions , as well as inhibiting the development of a strong shop steward movement , it also fostered a fragmented union movement ( Lansbury , 1978a ) .
18 Also involved with the Hoptons was Philip Bothe of Coddenham ( Suff. ) a second generation emigrant from the north west who suddenly rose to local prominence after 1483 — which seems to imply an earlier connection with Richard .
19 Also involved with the Hoptons was Philip Bothe of Coddenham ( Suff. ) a second generation emigrant from the north west who suddenly rose to local prominence after 1483 — which seems to imply an earlier connection with Richard .
20 Hell , Doc , your packagin' gets better and better , but what you put inside stinks to high heaven , you know .
21 The effects of Scottish resistance were not , however , only confined to literary creation .
22 How suitable , as a preparation for teaching in secondary school , is a degree course in which the student 's reading is almost entirely confined to imaginative literature and which entails no systematic study of any other register in the foreign language …
23 but the second way in which section fourteen arises is this slightly more oblique way , erm , it 's , it 's not really the question of competition law it 's more a question of administrative law or constitutional law , erm whether it arises on the question er , your Lordship will have to decide , but , if , if it does then we believe that our case is extremely strong , because what one is saying here is , is section fourteen a block to an article eighty five action , erm does it make it either virtually impossible or something lesser excessively difficult , er and we say er that that 's one aspect and two can we show it 's discriminatory , well we say first of all it is discriminatory because even on analysis of the bad faith argument they are putting in a claimant with an article eighty five case to an extraordinary length in order to make good his case , he first of all has to super declaration presumably that he is entitled to damages , but he ca n't get damages all he 's entitled to is the declaration if then do n't satisfy that claim by paying up and their not going to be ordered by the court to pay up because that 's a claim for damages and you ca n't have that then you have to sue them again on the basis of breach of bad faith , er no other provision in English law would go to that effect and that of course even , even that assumes whether rightly or wrongly and we say possibly wrongly that er , er the failure to comply with the judgment of the declaration would be bad faith within the meaning of the act , but even assuming it 's right it puts a plaintiff suing for breach of article eighty five in the worst position possible
24 Kate Collingwood , writing as tutor-organiser for Essex with a Federation Executive highly committed to voluntary participation , felt that ‘ any of my organising work could be done by voluntary branch members if they had the time .
25 Hand contact surfaces : This is one area of disinfection not necessarily confined to high risk zones especially in catering .
26 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
27 Rural-urban migrants were able to take advantage of the former , often sending financial assistance back to their relatives in the countryside and so contributing to increased income levels there .
28 The landscape , as part of a geologically young mountain region with steep slopes , is naturally predisposed to mass movement .
29 The cognitive factors which are significantly related to sign performance in hearing signers are reasoning , cloze and embedded figures , with the last one being most highly related to sign-to-English translation .
30 Sound-broadcasting is a particular skill , not necessarily related to literary ability though impossible without it .
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