Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] a [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 The process of drawing inferences from non-experimental data is usually one of slowly elaborating a relationship between two variables , testing that it contains no spurious component due to the operation of a prior variable , and testing to see if one can pin down whether the cause influences the effect directly or through an intervening variable .
2 Right , so given a choice between erm , an average , a guaranteed income of say fifty pounds per hectare right if they 're given a cer a certain , if that fifty pounds is certain every year , alright , they will choose that every time in a , er , well just yes .
3 On the latter basis , it agreed to the LRT acquisition of two lines covering several miles at Croydon , so acquiring a link between two stations on differing London lines — Wimbledon and West Croydon .
4 Most students , in fact , not only made a distinction between arts and science , but also believed in a hierarchy of different disciplines , with ‘ fundamental ’ , ‘ useful ’ subjects like physics at the top and ‘ wishy-washy ’ humanities subjects at the bottom .
5 This enhanced porosity will only be effective if there is either a considerable proportion of the mineral , or minerals , susceptible to dissolution , so forming a connection between isolated intragranular pore spaces , or if there is an existing intergranular porosity .
6 Loosen the skin from the flesh of the chicken by gently inserting a finger between them .
7 But religious language not only provided a link between different political constituencies , it offered a set of concepts , a rhetoric of resistance and a strength of moral certainty powerful enough to take on the weight of the medical and political establishment .
8 Accordingly it became normal to try to survey erosion terraces and their associated features in the field and this type of investigation illustrates well the desirability of fitting the punishment to the crime , or more prosaically reaching a compromise between accuracy and amount of data .
9 I found myself constantly making a connection between what new families were saying to me about what they found most helpful from a social worker and what I as a social worker find most helpful from a team leader .
10 It can only establish a correlation between two behaviour patterns ; but a correlation can always be explained by both activities being caused by a third , unobserved activity .
11 Half an hour later , they sat nursing their own coffees amid the debris in the kitchen , the warmth of which was n't quite enough to effect a thaw between them .
12 So ended a dispute between the Crown and its subjects which had gone on intermittently for more than four hundred years .
13 The rule of law thus described still prevails in the Probate Court , where it is not enough to prove a relation between testator and beneficiary , which in the court of equity would require the beneficiary to displace the presumption of undue influence by proving independent advice to the testator .
14 The response of Dr P to communications , it will be remembered , is that it ignores the aesthetic , that it is so obsessed with ‘ ideological statements and political texts ’ that it can no longer make a distinction between good and bad .
15 And so it was that a man who had tried his hand at a whole variety of working-class jobs but who was no friend of the labour unions could , as part of his episodic film Intolerance , quite effortlessly recreate a clash between workers and police that is so lifelike as to seem like a newsreel and to suggest that perhaps every subsequent labour riot followed its pattern .
16 Expression of the visceral isoform is limited exclusively to visceral type smooth muscle tissue thus suggesting a link between expression of the isoform and MHC function in smooth muscle cells .
17 When the hare belittled the tortoise for his slow ways , the tortoise responded that he could nevertheless win a race between them .
18 Keating and colleagues lately reported a link between a DNA marker at the Harvey ras-1 locus and LQTS .
19 Suppose now that we introduce the rate of interest into the analysis and thus provide a link between the real and monetary sectors of the economy .
20 they desperately want a child between them and to them a child that is born by the mother but is from a different origin than than the partner is is the next best thing an , and most of the couples , and we do n't advise them that this should all be kept secret , we leave that decision to be something that they will erm , come to later on when the child is older , and many of these couples will decide that this child will be brought as their own biological child , and I do n't really see that as being any different than many relationships where children are conceived out of wedlock , or out , with the relationship and people make a a a decision to keep this erm to themselves .
21 They were even more unsuccessful " where it was a question of splitting a phonological item " ( thus acquiring a contrast between beer and bear , which are pronounced alike in JC ) .
22 For instance , nothing is more likely than that Prothero , when he said that association with Blast ‘ stamped a man too disadvantageously ’ , had in mind among other things Ford 's connection with the magazine and the scandal of Ford 's relations with Violet Hunt — a scandal that had already made a breach between Violet Hunt and the cruelly timorous Henry James , as told painfully in I Have This to Say .
23 Large firms generally face a choice between making components and other intermediate products themselves , or buying in from outside — in other words , a decision whether to internalize or externalize a particular stage of production .
24 They foregrounded the importance of women for national regeneration , thus forcing a connection between public and private and breaking open the separate spheres ideology .
25 The nut is the main offender ; it 's so ludicrously high that you can easily slide a matchstick between the top string and the first fret .
26 We have already noted a connection between intermittent alcoholic mania and the growth of state power , and so it seems that these two apparently unrelated phenomena are in reality both part of the same process .
27 The rainbow thus forms a bridge between materialism and spirituality , between ignorance and intelligence , and the fable of ‘ the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow , grew from this ancient Indian source ; the pot of gold was originally symbolic of psychological liberation or ‘ enlightenment ’ .
28 Within the committee , each member took responsibility for the committee 's work in certain Major Project schools , and thus provided a link between the committee and those who were implementing the project on the ground .
29 Larval termites look like those most primitive of insects , the bristletails ; larval horseshoe crabs are visibly segmented and so reveal a similarity with the trilobites difficult to perceive in the adult ; the free-swimming molluscan larva looks very like that of the segmented worms and thus suggests a link between the two groups .
30 M People 's ‘ Northern Soul ’ album , Mass Order , Last Rhythm and all the other neo-disco tracks and trackers of the Nineties elegantly negotiate a space between nostalgia and machine futurism .
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