Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the same as " in BNC.

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1 I felt relieved that I had my scar from the fight at the summer party and so looked the same as everybody else — I was afraid of appearing different or clever which meant that I would be noticed by the Corporals and picked on by all the others .
2 An intent to cause injury by shock is sufficient and apparently means the same as an intent to cause injury to the person ( R v Rapier [ 1980 ] Crim LR 48 ) .
3 The Aristotelian talk of definitions ‘ does not reveal nature to us , but only does the same as the man who promised to discover a treasure and then says ‘ look where it is hidden and you will find it . ’
4 Although much remained the same as before — the new electorate constituted but one-thirtieth of the population , 31 boroughs still had fewer than 300 electors in each , voting remained by open ballot ( secret ballots were considered rather un-English ) , and the aristocracy still held great sway politically — the act precipitated important changes both within and outside the House of Commons .
5 The relationship between rank of coal and the occurrence of natural gas deposits generally remain the same as demonstrated in 1979 ; most gas fields occur where the vitrinite reflectance at the upper surface of the Carboniferous is between 1–2% Rm , — provided , of course , that adequate reservoir rocks of the Upper Carboniferous ( Westphalian C , D and Stephanian ) , Permian ( mainly Rotliegendes ) and Lower Triassic ( Bunter ) are present and sealed by evaporites of Permian and Triassic age .
6 agree with that lady over there about er Queen , I think she does a wonderful job and , it 's come through lately there like she just suffers the same as any natural mother , their family , the way they live , the way their
7 And it seems to me that China was just doing the same as St Stalin did .
8 He just smells the same as the rest of them . "
9 I fancied that except for a few corrugated iron roofs it still looked the same as when he had been here .
10 The searchers had probably done the same as , from where Melissa was standing , only the middle and the far side of the river bed were visible .
11 If we play about with this expectations model right this is the erm , this describes the expectation of prices in T it can also use the same as a decision rule alright to find out what prices would expectation of prices were , right in in P T minus one , okay T minus one , right here .
12 In an effort to increase Coupe sales , this traditionally more expensive bodyshape will now cost the same as the hatchback .
13 The word ‘ perish ’ presumably means the same as in section 6 .
14 The court said that there was no general rule that a valuation made on an " erroneous principle " ( which presumably means the same as a mistaken decision ) had to stand unless it were also shown that a valuation on the right principle would produce a materially different figure from the figure of the erroneous valuation : if there were such a rule , it would place on the objector the extra burden of making a fresh valuation which in its turn might also be rejected .
15 He liked proper meals , he lived on liver or chops , his bait would come out of the family allowance and I 'd not eat during the day , then eat the same as him at night . "
16 It is in that latter role that Fodor ( 1976 ) has exploited the use of ‘ translation ’ and made the inference that the lower-level code must therefore mean the same as the higher-level code , thus arguing in effect against what I called ‘ implementation independence ’ .
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