Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a lucid dream , with him walking down infinite identical corridors , all painted the same pale blue , all leading to endless identical doors .
2 Now she had arrived in East Africa only to find the same grim process being repeated — but with one significant difference .
3 Sky have a roundup on Sunday , where they basically show the same 3 featured matches as MOTD , but generally have different highlights .
4 I 've said to my brother Roman Catholic if what you are saying is that the substance of the godhead is in a mystery transferred into our substance that is to say that we are recipitents recipients in the sacrament of the divine life then we go out in faith together believing the same essential .
5 The window distances to some extent ; the door exposes the alarming feeling of not only sharing the same dramatic time but the same dramatic space .
6 If the worst examples of A-road architecture are produced by a combination of developer , architect and local authority all holding the same materialistic values , the reverse is also true .
7 This set of words is called the word-initial cohort , since it is a set of words all having the same initial sound .
8 Imperialism focused on one or two natural resources , thus creating a homogeneous agricultural proletariat , all doing the same labouring job .
9 For example , the following pair of programs have the same effect on the final state and so have the same normal form : unc There are important distinctions that need to be made between processes at the boundary between ( a ) and ( b ) .
10 Being stroked physically has the same soothing effect and the phrase , ‘ being stroked ’ when we are complimented grows from the similarity of these experiences .
11 But somehow the invitation no longer holds the same enticing mystery as it once did .
12 Those who died in the streets attempting to get away suffered the same agonizing fate and were stifled by the fumes .
13 Indeed , even in the as yet relatively non-totalitarian welfare states of the West some have already discerned the same paternalistic and enslaving trend : ‘ government 's role is to serve as a parent charged with the duty of coercing some to aid others , ’ while government-funded welfare programmes ‘ put some people in a position to decide what is good for other people .
14 The national curriculum and its tests are also expensive : but appraisal does not somehow have the same political glamour as announcing that children must learn the facts about British history or correct grammar .
15 Industry sources suggest Ford may soon extend the same favourable terms to contract hire firms .
16 But the 1977 Ferrari was by now outmoded and no longer had the same competitive edge .
17 In mode 3 , however any delay to end users should always be less than one minute says IBM ; since both processors are already processing the same shared data .
18 … crime and folly and error can be as severely lashed , as virtue and morality can be upheld , by a series of amusing causes and effects , that entice the reader to take a medicine , which , although rendered agreeable to the palate , still produces the same internal benefit as if it had been presented to him in its crude state , in which it would either be refused or nauseated .
19 Most of them , according to contemporary accounts , were still using the same crude methods and homely remedies that were popular 100 years before .
20 One of the most obvious examples of this principle of ‘ statement and change ’ is the old concerto grosso form , where the main orchestra , or ‘ tutti ’ , always plays the same musical substance , each statement being separated by the solo ‘ concertino ’ group playing something different , usually of a virtuoso character .
21 The MIAOW says many things in many contexts , but it always has the same basic message , namely ‘ I require your immediate attention ’ .
22 Thus the 1927 study by Wentworth & Apfel 237 , and the 1931 study by Gross & Woodford 86 , both of which listed the journals most frequently used by American geologists , contain relatively small numbers of journals which still occupy the same high standing in the profession today .
23 Thus the 1927 study by Wentworth & Apfel , and the 1931 study by Gross & Woodford , both of which listed the journals most frequently used by American geologists , contain relatively small numbers of journals which still occupy the same high standing in the profession today .
24 It still retained the same dark blue colour that it had when it was stamped into the passport by a British policeman 32 years earlier ; last exit from Palestine .
25 She still looked like a serious seventeen-year-old , was still wearing the same shy clothes .
26 The dummy appears , like a lost boy from another world , pushed from pillar to post , always wearing the same inscrutable smile , an innocent victim of other people 's desires .
27 Despite this , Turkoman rugs have retained much of their original character , and a Bokhara made in the USSR will still possess the same essential qualities as one made in Persia or Afghanistan .
28 As soon as the Indian earns three reales a day , he will never work more than half the week , so that he will still have the same nine reales he gets at present .
29 Indeed part of the attraction of the picture of the world abolitionists presented , that is , a contribution to the success of their appeal , was that their world-view or ideology was capable of accommodating differences of emphasis and expression while recognisably having the same basic shape .
30 The change in their knowledge and expectations was accompanied by a change in what they saw , although they were still viewing the same physical objects .
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