Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] up the " in BNC.

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1 Dot in the conservatory watched as Loopy Lil slowly tried to pick up the unsteady tray of china .
2 Four Ministers apparently tried to cover up the truth by hiding under a cloak of secrecy .
3 Thus , governments are endlessly seeking to shore up the erosion of the national idea which a world economy inflicts upon them .
4 She switched on the wall light over the table rather than the bright central strip , hoping it would look coaler ; but it only seemed to bring up the shadows .
5 I would very much like to pick up the ball and run with it as to whether this policy is necessary or not .
6 MANCHESTER UNITED yesterday settled into an uneasy peace after a face-saving operation by which Martin Edwards and Michael Knighton mutually agreed to tear up the contract that would have sold the club to Knighton .
7 Hurrying to make up time , Manville had cut himself shaving , and the cluttered bathroom medicine cabinet had stubbornly refused to yield up the secret whereabouts of the styptic pencil .
8 She thought of Jonathan , but decided that she must have been too angry and hurt , because she could only manage to summon up the blurriest of images of him .
9 But if it is cold , a monarch can not work up the energy to fly and can only manage to crawl up the nearest sage brush .
10 The pursuit and creation of stars , for example , occupies a large part of the story that A Scott Berg has to tell : Goldwyn was constantly trying to sign up the human properties who would ensure the success of his pictures .
11 Godolphin only had to pick up the encyclopaedia and he was ready to put on his boots and set off for the Dominions again .
12 That road led only to self-destruction — she should know that better than anyone … only had to conjure up the sad , embittered look in her mother 's hazel eyes to realise the depths of pain such an entanglement could cause .
13 If any of my staff or myself can be of help with a future motoring need , you only have to pick up the phone or call in and see us and we will ensure your total satisfaction .
14 You only need to stir up the nest of a wood ant with a stick ( not with your hand ) to be able to smell them .
15 A small battery-powered fan whirled the smoke away and generally tried to stir up the humid air which played such havoc with Ellen 's precious books in their orange-crate shelves .
16 However , she just has to pick up the phone and a friendly voice at The Wool Shop is always there to help .
17 It is an exciting place to play golf , with plenty of water and long sandy wastes just waiting to gobble up the wayward shots .
18 Of late , my generation has perforce had to count up the debit column of all those mistakes , and in so doing has forgotten the benefits .
19 But according to several Washington commentators and analysts , in sending senior aides to China , Mr Bush may have signalled that the Administration gave priority to continuity in relations over moral outrage , and thus helped to shore up the repressive Beijing regime .
20 I 'd just like to pick up the point that 's been made twice that there 's no such thing as an affordable housing problem .
21 erm a couple of weeks ago two came in and I said ‘ Oh , I was just going to lock up the screen ’ .
22 Miranda was just going to climb up the Magician 's leg , when she heard a deep voice say , ‘ What are you doing in Puddle Lane ?
23 I was just going to wash up the kettle when you came in .
24 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
25 Dear Catriona I could guess you probably worked this out a long time ago but I might as well get it over with once and for all and I finally managed to summon up the courage to do so , A S A , a secret admirer , no longer exists , he no longer admires secret or otherwise and has n't existed for almost a year now and again you probably know who he is but I might as well tell you it 's me Johnny the eleven year old , now fourteen , you met at Christmas ninety and boy do I feel stupid .
26 If the borrower could no longer afford to keep up the payments , the longer he stayed in the home the more the interest bill mounted .
27 Maybe she was just trying to cover up the fact that she minds about my being illegitimate . ’
28 He says that 's nonsense we 're just trying to brighten up the churches image in this drab end of the twentieth century .
29 Firstly , the bare details find their way into the news sections of all relevant publications so the artist 's fans can place orders at record shops , apply for concert tickets and generally help to build up the ( ahem ) ‘ buzz ’ .
30 Zelma , bless her , who has always regarded her son-in-law as a sort of concierge who somehow manages to throw up the odd masterpiece in between sitting at a desk , gazing uselessly out of the window and making endless messes in her kitchen with his coffee dregs and fag ash , had been popping into the study at fairly regular intervals , with unspecific enquiries .
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