Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Besides helping to understand the primary events of photosynthesis , Tien envisages his thin films could be biomimetic solar energy transducers .
2 In early March the Foreign Minister , Jiri Dienstbier , had also declared that his country would eventually want to join the European Communities .
3 He says his pay-off has left him comfortable , although he will eventually want to find a new career , possibly even returning to journalism .
4 The cover-design is presumably intended to encapsulate the Labour Party 's interpretation of citizenship .
5 In the museum display of these materials ( such as the treasures of Tutankhamun 's tomb ) , stress may be laid on the objects ' discovery by British archaeologists , thereby helping to legitimize the implicit pseudo-evolutionary claims of historical advance as civilization ( Gidri 1974 ) .
6 Thus we want to see the representational role of the newly juxtaposed elements as recognisably preserved within , and thereby helping to determine the new representational role of , the new signal in which they occur .
7 Over half the issues of British public libraries can be ascribed to recreational reading , although — as will be seen — public libraries are rarely arranged to suit the recreational approach .
8 Rowan Martin , who had worked for 20 years with the department , had been widely tipped to get the new post of deputy director of the department , until his arrest in mid-1992 on corruption charges , on which he was later exonerated .
9 Chelmsford 's sixth gold medal was earned by Simon Bown , an unemployed 18-year-old who is widely tipped to get an international vest this Summer throwing the hammer .
10 In 1964 , although widely expected to reach the higher echelons of the Army , Winchester retired at his own request and settled in Kenya , where he kept dairy cattle on a farm outside Nairobi .
11 Sotheby 's will sell another Picasso on 15 November — Au Lapin Agile , from the Pink period — which is widely expected to break the previous price records .
12 Political sources said that Mitterrand loyalists were already in touch with Gaullist Edouard Balladur , 63 , widely expected to head the next government , to discuss the handover from the present prime minister , Pierre Beregovoy .
13 In Doyle 's experience it rarely helped to develop the human side of the ‘ rehabilitated ’ man .
14 Conversely , projects which encourage a caring attitude in boys and acceptance of ‘ non-macho ’ traits would presumably act to deflect the automatic expression of male toughness or aggression although it is always possible that hostility to the course itself could provoke even more of a ‘ male backlash ’ .
15 He then twice conspired to overthrow the junta , and is unofficially considered to head the paramilitary death squad , the White Warrior Union .
16 Time after time Nizan hammered out his basic message : the internal logic of fascism is rearmament leading to war ; the only way to prevent the catastrophe of a world-wide conflict is the creation of a potent counterbalancing force expressly designed to curb the expansionist tendencies of fascist nation states ; peace will be possible only if it is guaranteed by an effective network of alliances forged between civilised , peace-loving nations such as France , Great Britain and , above all , the USSR .
17 This even applies to listed buildings : there is still a worryingly widespread general belief that listing only covers the facade , or perhaps just the exterior , whereas it is of course expressly designed to protect the whole building .
18 They also powerfully helped to shape the subsequent roles and responsibilities of the major providers during the period in the District .
19 In a Commons statement , Mr Clarke said : ‘ We would very much prefer to see a full accident and emergency service provided by trained ambulancemen , but that is impossible while the unions continue to insist on the 14 conditions which they have imposed .
20 There was little mirth among the film crew , least of all from Raymond Cusick whose job it suddenly became to pull a last minute rabbit out of the hat .
21 In the promotion of rapid industrialization , the Japanese state fostered the growth of large organizations which would be better placed to resist the intense competition of Western companies .
22 Commission chairman , P.K. Iyengar , claims that such work is labour intensive , and hence India will be better placed to offer an economical service than more developed nations .
23 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
24 And if Jardines sought to sell out of Hongkong Land , it would be better placed to demand a hefty premium for offering effective control without the need to buy out smaller shareholders .
25 The fact that the South East contains a disproportionately high number of professional and managerial inhabitants , that transportation is generally quicker and easier because of the flatter terrain , and that industry and population from London have been relocated to surrounding satellite towns have all conspired to spread the ex-urban population far out into the metropolitan hinterland .
26 The most stupefying performance , however , came from Cecilia Gasdia , a voice of evidently limited power ( the second part , made up of arias , showed her physical limitations , notably in ‘ D'amor al dolce impero ’ from Tancredi ) , but her dash , her sinewy vocalization , her miraculous phrasing , the skill with which she marshalled the resources of her voice , all conspired to make the first half ( La Separazione , Mi lagnerò tacendo , Bolero above all ) a miraculous experience .
27 The last delivery from the Royal Oak Colliery in South Wales had amounted to only half the tonnage ordered the rest apparently diverted to fulfil a similar order from another preserved railway .
28 Now schools can ‘ opt out ’ from local authority control , so that the people who care most about children 's futures — especially parents and teachers — are together empowered to make the key decisions .
29 Although using a road map , she managed to lose herself and so stopped to ask a young man the way .
30 This is such a diverse field and so open to personal preference that I only intend to say a few words about it .
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