Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her words were ringing in her ears as she eventually made her way through Customs .
2 Created by Alex Raymond in the 1930's Flash eventually made his way onto the Commodore with a little help from Mastertronic Added Dimension , a budget house set up by Mastertronic .
3 In spite of his frustrations , though , he fell in love with the country and eventually made his home in Jerusalem .
4 For Hesketh , now committed to racing and to Hunt 's career — with a generosity unparalleled in FI — it seemed as sensible to take Hunt straight up into FI , and Hunt duly made his debut at a non-championship race at Brands Hatch early in 1973 , there earning , in a used Surtees TS9B , a third place just behind Denny Hulme — and Hulme was , let it be noted , driving the McLaren M23 , a far more advanced car .
5 However , Mr. Collins ( if I have understood him correctly ) has expressly limited his challenge to Lautro 's failure to allow the making of representations before the service of the intervention notice .
6 ‘ Not if I had to face a helicopter journey every time I wanted to come into town , ’ he drawled , and then slowly lowered his gaze to her red mouth , murmuring , ‘ So … do you want to see the bedrooms ? ’
7 We thereby maximise our chance of demonstrating what we are looking for .
8 During 1959 the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile lobby successfully argued their case for automated weapons .
9 Alain asked quietly as they slowly made their way to the car later .
10 She waited until the car vanished round the bend then waited some more until the whine of the engine was at last lost in the distance , then she slowly made her way into the house .
11 I slowly made my way down the road .
12 He slowly made his way along the train of fish vans .
13 A mother 's task is thus not to create something out of nothing but rather to dovetail her behaviour to that of the infant 's . [ … ]
14 In both instances a worker , acting in his own self-interest , may choose to retain his benefits ( by refusing extra pay or a job ) , thereby perpetuating his dependency on the Welfare State .
15 When we identify such a structure , then it means that we can successfully explain our observations in terms of concepts that we genuinely understand already .
16 Athelstan checked that the windows and doors of the priest 's house were locked , slung his saddle bags over a protesting Philomel , and both horse and rider wearily made their way along the icy track .
17 Peggy Ashcroft duly got her gong for playing Lilian , 50 years in the bin , but She 's Been Away was considerably more than a kind of Rain Woman ; a vehicle for acting technique .
18 ‘ Rents should be related to the capital value of the property , thereby reflecting its popularity in market terms ’ .
19 His portrait was modified , in stages which can be dated by coins , from a depiction in the tradition of a Hellenistic king to one based on the canons valued in the Greek city-state , thereby reflecting his change from being one of the warlords in the civil wars after Caesar 's death to a new ‘ democratic ’ position after the settlement as first citizen , ‘ first among equals ’ ( fig. 17 ) .
20 These great leviathans of the air eventually met their demise with the development of British high flying aircraft armed with guns firing incendiary bullets .
21 ‘ Right-ho ! ’ and he slowly squelched his way through the gate and out of sight .
22 Finally it was abandoned in a back street in Kingsbury , and the four students thankfully made their way on foot to Wembley Tube Station .
23 None the less , the changes in ‘ Bantu education ’ have not fundamentally altered its status as education for inferiority and subservience .
24 As she joined him , rather shyly accepting his glance of approval at her slim body in its white bikini , the wind stirred his hair , blowing it out of its rigidly swept-back style .
25 It is human nature to advocate change in someone else 's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one 's own .
26 At first we just made conversation , but after a couple of drinks Reid looked at me thoughtfully , twiddling his half-empty glass , and said , ‘ There 's no reason not to tell you this , Kit , but since we 've got to work together , I 'd rather explain my mode of living before the old cats on the island — the European gossips — start telling you stories .
27 They were everywhere , slowly inching their way across the desert .
28 Instead of meandering up a path to the top , chatting amicably to a pal about how George Michael used to be good in Wham and passing round the butterscotch , they choose a cliff and try to reach the summit by slowly inching their way up vertical rock , pushing their fingers into tiny fissures and standing with one toe on a ledge the size of a pebble .
29 Mountain View , California-based portable communications devices developer Eo Inc duly announced its partnership with AT&T Co , Matsushita Electric Industrial Co and Marubeni Corp to design , build and market the first generation of what it is calling personal communicators .
30 Just a month later , on 25 November 1944 , The Soldier 's Tale was successfully given its premiere by the Ballet Club at the Alhambra , Cape Town .
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