Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 Much RE writing in the past 20 years or so has centred on the raising of ultimate questions , and there has also been an insistence on developing in pupils skills of understanding and of handling these questions .
2 In the opening récit the oboes could only have played on the three-part ritournelle , presumably two treble oboes and a bassoon , as in the numerous wind trios in Lully 's later works .
3 While this can only have arisen on the basis of particular cases , it too has now become fossilized ; it is now described in terms of relative order of fixed groups of adjectives , and there are even cases where purely formal requirements concerning serial order actually override the organization appropriate to the semantics of what is intended ( see Chapter 8 for some instances ) .
4 In spite of this attitude by some of the die-hards , more and more money was being spent on new craft and equipment and our Technical Branch , which hitherto had concentrated on the maintenance on our fleet of small boarding launches , was being geared up to deal with the new cutter fleet .
5 As Norman Cohn shows in his classic Europe 's Inner Demons , infanticide — slaughter of the incontrovertibly innocent — was always crucial to the psychodrama and it soon got pinned on the Jews .
6 Sex causes complications , and in this interminable recession , just staying put on the payroll is quite difficult enough .
7 It just gets left on the doorstep with the milk , does n't it .
8 If I was some fucking private eye or something I 'd head back out to Mr Azul 's big house and break in somehow and find something really interesting or a body or a beautiful woman ( or just get slugged on the back of the head and wake up wise-cracking ) .
9 We devised a sort of Great Egg Race for the children — Rover gave us some materials which would normally have gone on the scrap heap , lent us a hall and judged the competition .
10 Dicey 's theory thus seems constructed on the idea of balances within parliamentary mechanisms .
11 By this time the Harringtons had a further hold on Edward 's gratitude , having joined him promptly on his return in 1471 , and they had also secured a new and influential patron in the person of the duke of Gloucester , who may already have intervened on the Harringtons ' side in 1470 .
12 By this time the Harringtons had a further hold on Edward 's gratitude , having joined him promptly on his return in 1471 , and they had also secured a new and influential patron in the person of the duke of Gloucester , who may already have intervened on the Harringtons ' side in 1470 .
13 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
14 The more the hybridizing and crossing back and forth has concentrated on the spectacular , the further it has taken the plants from the vigour of their natural origins , and the less resistant many have become to pest and disease .
15 ‘ They 're always getting raped on the way to the laundry . ’
16 One manifestation of his dominance was his ability to draw other local noblemen into his own orbit , which he could hardly have achieved on the strength of his landed interests alone .
17 One manifestation of his dominance was his ability to draw other local noblemen into his own orbit , which he could hardly have achieved on the strength of his landed interests alone .
18 Yet if they , or the possible abbatial vacancy , had any connection with the king , both may have stemmed from the unsuccessful attack which the Liber Eliensis records him as once having made on the monastery .
19 If dealers were discovered looking for jobs from other licensed dealers , they would usually get fired on the spot .
20 The region of interest later became focused on the period from the top of the backswing to shortly after the impact with the ball .
21 The stolen Toyota taken from Dormanstown was later found abandoned on the Lakes Estate , Redcar .
22 Josie 's job was to suggest the changes with the most minimal effects , but the truth of the matter was that she could probably have slapped on the makeup with a billposter 's brush and the trash would be equally fooled .
23 In some churches carved heads are similarly found perched on the top of pillars , often biting into them .
24 If she had been in a similar position she would also have called on the nearest colleague .
25 It is ridiculous to say that all males are basically evil while females are n't , and in view of that , girls would also have degenerated on the island into cruelty .
26 ‘ I had always been interested in flying kites ever since I was young , so when someone offered me one for sale , I jumped at the chance , ’ added , whose wife has also become hooked on the sport .
27 F/O Pickard , a US citizen who coincidentally had worked on the carrier in the US before joining the ATA , recognized the vessel at Glasgow and was the first of those involved to identify it as VF-7 ( USS Wasp ) .
28 ( His father 's occupation is particularly significant , because the invention of the mechanical clock must presumably have depended on the co-operation of the learned man , probably a monk , who first thought of it and the blacksmith who actually constructed it . )
29 Now , at Old Gang there 's that same air that certain places have , as though what has gone on before has left on the landscape not just scars but a presence .
30 The discussion thus far has focused on the reasons given in legal doctrine to support the legal model 's centralization of the power to manage the company in the hands of the directors of the company .
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