Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The outside-half thereby became only the second player , after Neil Bennett in the 1970s , to score 300 points in a season for Bedford .
2 Finally , the on/off switch , which thankfully has only the one task to perform .
3 A century ago Norway had perhaps 20 cattle breeds but today it effectively has only the Norwegian Red .
4 The ‘ Chicago ’ human capital approach ( e.g. Becker 1971 ; also see Mincer 1980 ) perhaps goes overboard the other way , seeing observed inequality as simply the reflection of current investments in human capital and returns to past investments .
5 Although not a classic , this 90-minute video is worth watching if only to see again the legendary mistakes of Leeds keeper Gary Sprake , or Lee Dixon 's own goal for Arsenal against Coventry — surely the cock-up against which all future cock-ups will be judged .
6 The strange thing about these different ways of arranging the same information is that they all apparently mean exactly the same thing .
7 According to him , language could only evolve once the auditory and visual association areas , that in monkeys as well as man convey impulses from the auditory and visual areas to the limbic system , themselves acquired suitable connections via yet another association area , thereby making possible so-called non-limbic , cross-modal associations .
8 He explains that most specialist dies are , of course , catered for , including vegetarian dishes , which , I noticed , were unusual enough to tempt even the staunchest of meat-eaters like myself .
9 Note that the killer was a Euro-convertible , brilliantly conceived by the company 's advisers : it proved as fatal as another financiers ' wheeze , the repurchase of 40% of IBC , which helped greatly to destroy virtually the entire value of that company 's equity .
10 Similarly , the role of occupational and private pensions is covered fully in the chapter by Dulcie Groves and it is therefore necessary only to highlight here the main features which disadvantage women and contribute to their greater likelihood of experiencing poverty in old age .
11 It was the marginal cultivators that took land on rabassa morta , who found tithes and feudal dues an intolerable burden , and they were not powerful enough to challenge either the large farmers or the aristocrats from whom they held their lands .
12 So , the picture basically shows just the one main line of evolution , guided by my aesthetic selection .
13 The many thousands of bodies in the ruins all told much the same story , of practically instantaneous death when the searing hurricane from Mt Pelee reached them .
14 The assumption within the KMT was that the " old men " of the party would disappear by " natural processes " , but the election results suggested that these processes were not rapid enough to appease either the growing sense of Taiwanese nationalism in the country or the related impatience at the slow pace of democratization .
15 This not only clears away the excessive mucus , but also kills many of the parasites associated with a fluke infestation i.e. Whitespot , Trichodina Costia and Chilodonella .
16 Surprise fought for supremacy over sheer relief , the final result hardly strong enough to chase away the last vestiges of fear .
17 Only paces away the two old sailors had stopped their mending , watching .
18 While the ‘ full accruals basis ’ , is undoubtedly prudent , we believe there is more commercial logic in accounting for such costs on an ‘ earnings ’ basis , which better reflects both the legal form and the substance of the transaction' .
19 In other words , if one person has double the income of another , the property occupied will not necessarily have twice the rateable value .
20 Everything except the one thing that needed changing ; that alone remained unspeakably the same .
21 Those of us who were there to witness his quite wretched display against Dundee United in the league in those first few months , and to hear Graeme Souness 's private condemnation of it later , can only realise now the formidable character this player is blessed with .
22 I have been lucky enough to have almost the perfect relationship with my act .
23 In the way by which he was brought up by hand and also how his hands are burnt and so scarred by the fire in which he tries to save Miss Havisham , perhaps showing physically the mental scars he has taken on through his treatment of others , especially Joe .
24 It will only change when the psychology behind it has changed ; and this psychology is based on two die-hard principles which together constitute almost the last vestiges of his own Indian-ness .
25 Wherever they were at school , a number of deaf children were unfortunate enough to stay there the whole duration of the war , neither seeing their parents nor going home for any holiday .
26 The actual workload of doctors does not necessarily reflect accurately the potential demand for their services , as unmet need is not taken into account .
27 The outer boundary of the greenbelt is based on physical features , they 're not necessarily follow exactly the same features all the way round the Greater York Greater York area .
28 Though neither of them mentioned it , she was obviously feeling much the same as he was and he was overcome by a longing to rush to her side , hold her , comfort her , whisper that everything would be fine .
29 Both were old enough to feel keenly the savage blow , one from which Leonard suffered in particular , albeit outwardly in guarded silence : ‘ The deeper the sorrow , the less tongue it has , ’ said the rabbis .
30 Those obviously include all the further education colleges that do the basic um and the basic things and then the H N C H N D it gives you the open learning things which includes then the private sector people communicate and all sorts of other agencies , erm it depends really what you see as a beginner , do you mean a beginner in the communications field in its entirety , or do you mean a beginner as an in-house industrial editor or a freelancer by definition a beginner is not likely to be a freelancer ?
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