Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 However , under para 8(c) of FRS 1 , the UK subsidiaries may claim exemption from FRS 1 if they are wholly owned and the UK parent publishes consolidated financial statements and those consolidated financial statements include a consolidated cash flow statement dealing with the group 's cash flows .
2 His family claim he was badly concussed and the RAF were guilty of negligence when they allowed him to make the second jump .
3 These questionnaires were much resented and the L.C.C .
4 The volume was warmly received and the London Magazine published excerpts throughout 1752 .
5 After a year of arguments , Citrine finally relented and the EDA 's local work was taken on and expanded by the Area Boards , though its London headquarters , with a staff of 67 , survived as a formally separate organisation but with its £150000 annual budget financed principally by the industry .
6 The element of continuity with previous Unity campaigns was thus preserved and the Cripps Memorandum received support from basically the same groups and individuals who had supported him on previous occasions .
7 The two ‘ Sirs ’ Bryan and Gordon , had already driven and the Bentley Mulsanne remained unclaimed .
8 Martin Woodcock 's paintings of all known cotingas are generously proportioned and The Cotingas is an inspiration to any adventurous ornithologist looking for areas of study where he might still contribute to science by straightforward observation .
9 Tim Dixon , David Earee and Blake Simms are RORC race pundits ; they do n't generally cruise and the ARC seemed an unlikely challenge .
10 And a combination of that early research and the Trent Bridge base aided his biography of Arthur Shrewsbury , Give Me Arthur : ‘ One day the door opened and an elderly man who introduced himself as a relative of Shrewsbury came in .
11 In January 1972 an SDP member , one born east of the Oder-Neisse , also defected and the CDU leader , Rainer Barzel , believed he could win a constructive vote of no confidence against Brandt .
12 So you get , if you like , a development here er of presidential authority and the perception of the presidency both from the point of view of incumbents and from the point of view of the American people and gradually in the twentieth century you get an increasing focus an increasing focus on the presidency as the engine of government , that it 's the president who makes things happen , it 's the president who fixes things , it 's the president who responds to crises and as the crises become more frequent and the crises become more intense so the focus on the president also expands and the Buchanan view is now no longer tenable , the Buchanan view it 's not possible for any president to play the dignified monarch .
13 Another lifeboat from Redcar and the Teesmouth lifeboat were also launched and the Staithes crew put on standby but the man stayed in his dinghy .
14 Another lifeboat from Redcar and the Teesmouth lifeboat were also launched and the Staithes crew were put on standby , but the man stayed in his dinghy .
15 Serbs say they are well treated but the ITN crew saw sick and emaciated men , many too scared to talk
16 While this development must take the majority of any forthcoming Sports Council funding , it is obvious that many of the existing facilities need to be dramatically expanded and the MCofS will endeavour to ensure this happens sooner rather than later .
17 Saddam Hussein may be defeated and even killed but the Saddam phenomenon will survive and may even be nurtures by war .
18 The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation had become very well established and the United States of America continued to be committed to it , as well as Britain , Canada , France , the Benelux Countries , Greece , Denmark , Norway , Ireland , Portugal and Turkey .
19 Both were sumptuously decorated but the Hindenburg was the most luxurious .
20 Being in neither carpet nor the RAF left me out of the conversation , until the tea trolley came round .
21 This mission was briefly halted by Germanus , bishop of Auxerre , but Tibatto was subsequently captured and the Bacaudae suppressed .
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