Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Last month Mr Alton met Tibet 's exiled leader , the Dalai Lama , in London and has since lobbied overseas development minister Lynda Chalker over the issue .
2 Then , as the foot begins its toe-off phase , the stored energy is released to spring the runner forward — thereby realising maximum speed potential .
3 In so far as the levels of government expenditure are fixed by general political considerations , if one group is expressly given favourable tax treatment the value of tax revenue lost is a cost that must be financed by other tax payers .
4 They are created diagrammatically using high-level software engineering modelling tools , and the environment can interoperate with other tools , such as Texas Instruments Inc 's IEF and KnowledgeWare Inc 's IEW , by exchanging model information stored in the CDE Repository with models stored in their repositories .
5 They are created diagrammatically using high-level software engineering modelling tools , and the environment can interoperate with other tools , such as Texas Instruments Inc 's IEF and KnowledgeWare Inc 's IEW , by exchanging model information stored in the CDE Repository with models stored in their repositories .
6 The intention was to operate the Croydon at normal all-up weight and not to exceed the normal maximum cruising speed , thereby simulating normal airline operation .
7 Atherosclerotic lesions also show a loss of heparan sulphate proteoglycans — inhibitors of smooth muscle cell proliferation — and an increase in chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan , which retains LDL , thereby inhibiting HDL-mediated cholesterol loss from the vessel wall .
8 Most eventually got honorary Lifetime Achievement Awards — alias the ‘ Whoops , sorry , we forgot you ’ Oscars , or even ‘ Whoops , sorry , we did n't know you were still around ’ , as happened to Sophia Loren in January , thirty years after she won Best Actress for Two Women .
9 In summary the Unit is the victim of its own success and badly needs increased working space and more staff to meet its steadily increasing workload .
10 The party leadership presumably wants working class unity in the North .
11 Smectite and illite may form preferentially near the weathering front only to be eventually altered to kaolinite , and perhaps gibbsite , as gradual lowering of the weathering front and erosion at the top of the profile effectively causes individual clay mineral particles to move up through the profile .
12 Mixed arable and dairy farms and vegetable farms are the easiest to convert to organic : the huge arable farms of East Anglia are more difficult because of intense production systems , as are chicken and pig farms where only a minimum of land is owned and would not be large enough to accommodate free range farming .
13 The survey explains that pulp and mining demands for low-quality hardwoods has recessed leaving the resources for charcoal burning , especially using low grade timber from East Anglia .
14 Studies have suggested that both diversion colitis and ulcerative colitis respond to rectally given short chain fatty acids , and recently a controlled trial of butyrate enemas in ulcerative colitis showed significant improvement in clinical and pathological parameters over placebo .
15 ‘ We are not a high-profile pressure group like the RSPCA , who can afford to spend thousands on shock-tactic campaigns , but we work constantly to promote responsible dog ownership through putting on political pressure , ’ says Martin Sinnatt .
16 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
17 If the highly developed woollen textile industry be disregarded , the structure of crafts and trades of Babergh may not have been in any way unrepresentative of the shires at that time .
18 Already a highly developed multipurpose recreation area , plans for further development have generated concerns about wildlife protection , especially in relation to a herd of bighorn sheep whose range includes Mount Allan that houses one of the main Olympic pistes .
19 Charcoal is prepared from vegetable matter and petroleum , and ‘ activation ’ creates a highly developed internal pore structure , thereby increasing the surface area from 2–4 m 2 /g to more than 1000m 2 /g .
20 The centre-left coalition in power since late 1989 struggled during the 12 months to 1991 to maintain its joint commitments ( i ) to reduce the government budget deficit from 5.25 per cent of net national income ( NNI — gross national product ( GNP ) minus consumption of fixed capital ) in 1990 to 3.25 per cent by 1994 , and ( ii ) to maintain the country 's highly developed social welfare system .
21 But they were also attracted , initially by London 's highly developed foreign exchange market , later by its development of ‘ parallel ’ markets and most recently because of its importance in the markets for Eurobonds and currencies .
22 Incidentally , he was n't known as Chief Education Officer , he was Secretary for Education , he only became Chief Education Officer after the war but erm he was the Controller of Shift E and most of the education staff were on Shift E.
23 Prisoners at Gloucester apparently became bored translating school textbooks — now they 've been switched to teenage adventure stories — to the delight of the pupils .
24 Not to mention our highly regarded free customer support service which is always on hand should you need advice or assistance .
25 A European Economic Interest Grouping has already been approved , but the long awaited European Company Statute still lies on the table .
26 Some sinks come complete with extra cutting board surface to fit across the top when necessary and so provide extra work space ; others have small spray attachments at the side to aid cleaning .
27 In the cinema , another growth medium inter-war , Hollywood money so dominated British film production that the government introduced protectionist policies .
28 An eagerly awaited new tax law that includes a provision for tax relief on personal and corporate donations to cultural , educational , scientific , sporting , religious and humanitarian institutions and events was introduced in the Czech and Slovak Republics on 1 January , the first time that such provisions have been made in Czechoslovakia since 1938 .
29 Highly recommended small period hotel .
30 Lyndale Hotel & Restaurant A highly recommended luxurious 2-star Hotel overlooking the beautiful bay of Colwyn .
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