Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And in the years of glut there is always a slatted wooden tray in some cool , dark attic , which the writer nervously visits from time to time ; and yes , oh dear , while he 's been hard at work downstairs , up in the attic there are puckering skins , warning spots , a sudden brown collapse and the sprouting of snowflakes .
2 The largely vertical tears , ranging from 20 to 60 cm in length , were successfully repaired in time for the opening of the exhibition .
3 Among them was a young officer who was riding a mule ( which stubbornly stopped from time to time ) and roaring with laughter .
4 Just as the coastal cities were subjected throughout the centuries to incursions from the interior by the forces of whichever power held sway beyond the mountains — Byzantines , Hungarians , Serbs and Turks — so the tranquillity of the Mediterranean climate is brutally violated from time to time by the icy blasts of the bura .
5 And Mogg believes that the difficulty of ordering tea in the Waldorf Hotel these days is symptomatic of the decline of an empire , a feeling I 'm sure we 've all experienced from time to time .
6 The space between the fly sheet and inner dome also plays a major part in eradicating condensation , a problem which we have all encountered from time to time .
7 The actions are subject to random error terms each period , which are normal , independent and identically distributed through time with distributions and respectively .
8 In any case , he added , people did not show up for the political meetings , only arriving in time for the drinking afterwards .
9 This leaves no room for the non-realization of the infinitive event since the action of producing an effect necessarily coincides in time with the appearance of the effect ( concurrent causation ) , and so both these verbs call for the bare infinitive .
10 They were not only revived from time to time in Venice during the next twenty years but performed in a number of other Italian cities .
11 So check from time to time whether pictures should be retaken rather than reordered .
12 I was generally pressed for time in my few day in Sydney , and did not have the opportunity to explore the graphic potential of the monoline as well as it deserved .
13 I was generally pressed for time in my few days in Sydney , and did not have the opportunity to explore the graphic potential of the monoline as well s it deserved .
14 Jackie had a nasty puncture in practice on the 150-m.p.h. straight and though he was not injured , his Matra was only just repaired in time for the race .
15 Except in winter , when heavy snow sometimes delayed us and another engine had to come to the rescue , we generally arrived on time at Parma. just occasionally a tram car went off the rails ; perhaps Camera was overcome by the thrill of speed .
16 John talked to Sara but she did n't listen , just nodded from time to time .
17 A period of seven years was set as the publication cycle for new editions ; the sixteenth edition thus appeared on time in 1958 .
18 People are already querying from time to time the de decision judges make .
19 However , the idea that archive work might be used in the training of embryo diplomats still surfaced from time to time in France .
20 But good news for birthday boys and girls — the popular Birthday File will still appear from time to time .
21 Letters from the States had been few and far between of late , although money from Sean still came from time to time .
22 Although the old post above Dili was still used from time to time , this port was no longer important as transports off-loaded Japanese air force and other supplies at Bancau stretching the areas to be watched by several hundred square miles .
23 Quite soon the loads on aircraft got too big for this method ( though shot-bags are still used from time to time for certain simple tests ) and nowadays the loads are applied by means of hydraulic jacks operating through very elaborate multiple lever or ‘ family tree ’ systems ; each of the hundreds of branches ends in a mechanical attachment to the wing surface .
24 The ground still shook in time with the footsteps of the great beast .
25 And you always worked by time in stables , you 'd get out at say , you went at six o'clock , you got out till seven and were out two hours , that 's seven , eight , nine .
26 But we usually think of time as hours and minutes and seconds too if we are being very exact .
27 The words of the Spell picked just that moment to surface from the depths of his mind , as they always did in time of crisis .
28 My father was still forced from time to time to act as an interpreter , but from now on he spent much more time at home , rather than meeting his friends in the cafés for a game of cards .
29 As a label , Gramola is still revived from time to time for releases that are primarily designed for the local market .
30 It is hoped to issue further sets from time to time .
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