Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 The charges included his acceptance of a commission following the completion of SOMISA 's purchase , at well above market prices , of new offices which were then lavishly decorated at a time when the state company 's workforce was being dramatically reduced in preparation for its privatization in 1992 [ see p. 38527 ] .
2 According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle this ‘ virtual ’ photon can only exist for a time .
3 All the nineteenth-century conventions of comedy pointed to the need for universality and in any case Chaplin 's own personal inclinations must have pulled him back from being sectionally committed at a time of class warfare .
4 Are you so trapped in a time of royalty and titles that you ca n't envisage a world in which a woman has obligations ? ’
5 But the beauty and the loving care with which many a smaller city had been built and adorned in the early days of the Greek cities is a vital element in the history of the Greek city , obscurely pointing to a time , not of peace — for in Greece the lion never lay down with the lamb , and neighbouring cities constantly fought each other — but of more equal prosperity .
6 These courses could not be done in a shorter time so they were normally arranged for a time of year when there was less pressure of work on those participating .
7 Parenthood is generally recognised as a time of crisis and adjustment .
8 okay just think of a time when you were assertive and you all everybody think of a time when you were assertive , can you think of a time , anybody ca n't think of a time when they were assertive ?
9 Think of a time when you were n't assertive , just think of a time when you were n't assertive can you think of one
10 These clustered contractions nearly always developed at a time when the lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was below 5 mm Hg .
11 Self-provisioning is also more appreciated at a time of economic recession like the present .
12 This is the very last thing that should ever suffer in a time of recession or emergency when people 's belts have to tighten .
13 In reflection , Nicholson remembers that apart from the task of writing a film about a new subject on which there was very little in the way of written research material , it also came at a time when he was going through his divorce .
14 If the light intensity increases , the rate of turning also increases for a time , before falling back to its initial level .
15 Harald was probably also recognised for a time as ruler of part of Norway .
16 The intensity of the enhanced bands also varies in a time dependent fashion , but surprisingly this is slower than the disappearance of the footprint , so that some enhanced products are still evident even after 30 minutes .
17 On leaving school Herbert joined his father as an engineering apprentice , and also worked for a time in the mechanical engineering laboratories of the City and Guilds Technical College in Finchley , London .
18 These developments also come at a time when drives for greater efficiency are features of both public and private sectors .
19 In marketing terms it 's a tremendous card to play erm our marketing line in the States was always ‘ we speak your language , a common heritage , a common culture erm almost a common language ’ and erm the special relationship really exits at a time like this to a very marked degree , and we shall be playing that for all it 's worth , certainly .
20 For a start , though it 's called ‘ single-frame ’ , two frames are often shot at a time , for economy .
21 Apocalypse Now appeared at a time when the political climate in America was shifting to the right , resulting in Reagan 's victory in the 1980 presidential elections .
22 As it takes about two years to convert an idea to law through our parliamentary system , new legislation is often implemented at a time when the circumstances which gave rise to the idea have substantially altered .
23 The elusive creature may be successfully trailed for a time , then disappear for months and even years .
24 Wallace estimated that Sulawesi was of very ancient origin , possibly even dating from a time before Sumatra , Java and Borneo were raised above the level of the ocean .
25 At present , some centres use photographic records to follow patients with clinically atypical naevi , on the assumptions that only lesions that show evidence of progressive change need to be excised and that such change can be clinically detected at a time when evolving melanomas are thin and curable by local excision .
26 Right think of a time when you were assertive
27 By leaning her back against it and pedalling with her feet she could move it forwards inches at a time .
28 So deep was the division on the " entrist tactic " that the unified body reached the compromise of working within the Labour Party for a period and then withdrawing for a time and continuing independent activity .
29 The social person first moves out of his original position ( role ) ( " the rite of separation " ) ; he then exists for a time in a liminal condition , a threshold of time and space which is outside the ordinary world of secular affairs and is treated as in some way " sacred " ( Van Gennep 's " rite de marge " ) ; finally he moves back into secular society in his new position ( role ) ( " the rite of aggregation " ) .
30 In contemporary Britain it seems almost impossible to go a single day without hearing , from some quarter or another , a senior policeman hectoring us on the deteriorated condition of public morals , while assuming the right to deliver homespun history lessons in which the past is lovingly remembered as a time of harmony .
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