Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But , ’ said Terry darkly , leaning towards me , ‘ this is something you should know , if you 're lucky enough to work with him one day . ’
2 So looking at it this way up I mean it 's X equals Y to the fourth plus three and that 's all minus .
3 If there is if there are no er examples of er er dev individual examples of development pressure , as I say we have one apparently presented to us this morning I think one over a period er since nineteen eighty seven , it 's not a basis for a policy .
4 It is not fair to say the City will only look at it six months at a time . ’
5 It had suddenly occurred to her that he probably had a family , a wife .
6 We should adapt that and perhaps incorporate into it some of the schemes that have been tried and could be improved .
7 Conversely , do they trust you sufficiently to discuss with you those delicate and sensitive issues which need confidential handling ?
8 At £110 Alfonzo is beyond most piggy-banks , so look on him more as an investment than a bedfellow .
9 I only arrived at it this morning . ’
10 It could n't be Dr Kent ; she hardly knew him , she 'd only spoken to him three times , and then briefly .
11 She knew she was being ridiculous , but so much had happened back there in that elegant house , so many unexplained emotions had swung through her mind in such a short space of time , and she felt so wound up , so confused by it all .
12 he 'll have more problems if he carries on moving do n't panic , all is under control I think there 's one driving round the bend perhaps talk about it all , where 's really first year he gon na know
13 The objector must be distinguished sharply from someone who merely attributes to us some particular idea of a particular necessitating circumstance for the effect , some particular idea of what was included in the circumstance for the candle smell , and believes that the circumstance included more .
14 A solicitor must not only disclose to you any commission over £10 that he or she receives but must also account to you for it unless you have agreed that he or she should keep it .
15 ‘ Then you can do so today — at the barbecue , ’ Lucy hissed , suddenly infuriated with them both , although more so with Silas than with Doreen .
16 There is festering resentment in dark green quarters over what is seen as Julia 's reluctance to state baldly that there is no such thing as a green product , or that continued consumption at the present rate can only lead to us all dying in some particularly horrible way .
17 I accept the offer of the hon. Member for Aberdeen , North ( Mr. Hughes ) as given in good faith , but there are 646 hon. Members — I exclude you , Madam Deputy Speaker , and your colleagues for this purpose — and we can not necessarily rely on them all to show such restraint and singlemindedness as the hon. Gentleman .
18 Much love to you all
19 Much love to you both — and renewed thanks for including me last week .
20 Much love from us both .
21 Much love from us both
22 Much love from us both
23 If you are fortunate enough to have with you one or two baits , and you can flick these to the fish without scaring them off , it is interesting to see how , or even if , they respond .
24 I 'd better practise on you first .
25 No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance .
26 As I find myself an outsider at this point , I can only put to you another question : Are you really sure that the issue of the ordination of women is so fundamental to the gospel that you would leave your Church and , in some cases , surrender your ministries on that point ?
27 ‘ Not much call for it these days , ’ she said sullenly .
28 These are made by a gentleman called Adrian er erm who worked on the house as a as a labourer er but was so taken with it all he took to becoming a medieval furniture maker , has been ever since .
29 What is strange is that we often accept the opposite : that large benefits naturally carry with them large risks .
30 You were so much loved by us all ,
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