Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
2 The drafter may try to protect his/her client in the battle of the forms by including an appropriate provision in the terms such as : The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
3 We do rather think of ourselves in this area as ‘ Medaus out in the sticks ’ , being a long way from the hub , so to speak .
4 If Mr. Goldsmith would care to accept the invitation — clearly written in the bottom left-hand corner of our charts — to contact us , I would gladly explain to him in detail how we tackle the very complex task of chart production , and in particular how we go to the most extraordinary lengths to try to meet the highest standards of clarity and accuracy demanded by the wide range of our customers — when flying in UK ( not USA ) airspace .
5 She probably managed to make him pay her a little more before she agreed to do what he wanted — and altogether earned for herself in one evening more than she does in several days of being a parlourmaid .
6 He was one of 4 youths who attacked jogger , Paul Lanighan because he accidently bumped into them in the street .
7 Passionate with indignation at the poverty and injustices which he daily met around him in the industrial north of Bradford , he sought , and was able to gain from , J.P.M. 's National Council of Labour Colleges , that knowledge which served him so well throughout his short working life , as a weapon with which to fight and change the capitalist system which tolerated and perpetuated such inhumane living conditions .
8 There is a general expectation that people will not remember detailed facts correctly if they are only exposed to them in the spoken mode , especially if they are required to remember them over an extended period of time .
9 Time after time , woman admitted to me that their partner 's success not only mattered to them in terms of money , but was a crucial component in their respect and desire for these men .
10 Rachel could only glare at him in silent hatred , not trusting herself to speak .
11 Someone — teacher , examiner , ‘ assessor ’ — observes the student at work , or perhaps interacts with him/her in some way , or more commonly analyses products of the student 's work .
12 I can remember only walking beside her in the dusk towards Regent 's Park , because we both wanted darkness and to be alone .
13 De Man 's dynamic of absence and intrusion controls our response to his texts — Rousseau , Nietzsche , Rilke and Proust — and therefore to an ongoing critique on reference , because texts , like characters , apparently speak for themselves in the modes of citation and paraphrase .
14 I think his pleasure was merely to talk about it in that calm way to a completely ignorant young girl .
15 Yes , I suppose he is but I mean those two those pictures we bought were hundred and twenty and I mean they 're they 're only done by somebody in the village .
16 ‘ I thought I 'd better dance with you in case you wanted another drink . ’
17 The charters S 951 and 953 are gifts in Cornwall purportedly made by him in 1018 , although neither is of certain authenticity , and this was seemingly also the date of his lost foundation charter for Buckfast Abbey in Devon .
18 it 's still the first one , she 's got a billion things to do , we 'll obviously speak to her in the autumn , erm
19 Laura wore a long , grey satin dress with a big bow which was especially made for her in a more girlish style than she normally allowed herself .
20 She had owned good horses such as Manicou ( who had won the King George VI Chase in 1950 ) and Monaveen ( who had finished fifth to Freebooter in that year 's Grand National as his royal owner 's first runner in the race ) , but in Devon Loch she had a chaser who apparently had all the attributes to win her the greatest steeplechase in the calendar : he was a big horse , strongly built and bold yet intelligent enough to look after himself in the hurly-burly of four and half miles and thirty fences .
21 ‘ Not the usual kind of student 's flat , ’ muttered the Marshal , surprised to find his feet walking on fitted carpet , a thing that only happened to him in the lobbies of hotels he was checking on .
22 Because of DM/SVR4 's Transport Library Interface ( TLI ) , it will not need OSF 's DCE to run , though it will apparently run on it in a later release as it will also be DME-compatible .
23 On the flickering screen just to the right , light suddenly reflected from something in the black hole of the cell-like room .
24 DCT personally leading about one in every four flights .
25 In fact , I only know of one in the whole of the UK . ’
26 It says nearly a third of women think their cars are dirty compared with one in five men .
27 Her fingertips had only fluttered around him in butterfly ecstasy .
28 Grandson was with Edward I during his visit to France and Aquitaine in 1286–9 , and was constantly employed by him in business at the courts of France and Aragon during those years .
29 But the others could only stare at him in speechless amazement .
30 McIllvanney suddenly demanded of me in his sour Belfast accent .
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