Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The meal was finished , his father had returned to the newspaper , rather deflated at his family 's lack of appreciation of his vice-presidency , and his mother had finished her ice cream and was rising from the table .
2 If tempers have flared , and especially if you have been badly treated by your employer , the urge to retaliate with every means at your disposal will be enormous .
3 Lucy felt embarrassed and more than a little annoyed with her aunt .
4 Its function is basically to cover a woman 's hair and hide the shape of her breasts but it can be worn in a variety of ways , draped round the top half of her body and head , folded over her chest and hanging over her shoulders or loosely placed round her neck .
5 He ignored this and leisurely got into his undershirt .
6 The monument to Chaloner Chute , also designed by him and in a seventeenth-century classical style , was eventually erected after his death by his cousin T. L. Chute .
7 People rarely asked for your invitation card .
8 These people are rarely honoured in their lifetime .
9 Any course modules successfully completed throughout their career can then be included in a record of achievement , ensuring an up to date record of professional development undertaken .
10 A good working relationship also enhances an officer 's intelligence system , more effectively bringing to his attention knowledge of pollutions for which the discharger or his neighbours may be responsible .
11 Although still used for storage , the mill is slowly deteriorating and largely silent , long since stripped of its fulling stocks , its Boulton and Watt steam engine and water wheels .
12 Pitts Mill , now sometimes known as Oaklands Farm Mill , has been luckier and has , at least structurally , survived , although long since stripped of its manufacturing machinery .
13 Constance was getting a little irritated with her friend .
14 ‘ Indeed , ’ he agreed , seeming a little irritated by her interruption , as if , as when he was giving a lecture , he preferred to hold the floor .
15 I confess I was a little shaken by my playmate 's tone .
16 The Bishops of Rochester now mostly lived at their Palace at Rochester or Lambeth , the houses at Halling and Trottescliffe being allowed to decay owing to the expense of maintaining them .
17 Throughout his career he seemed to be around when it happened but the finger of accusation rarely pointed in his direction .
18 Quaint tools such as cockles , bows , strikes and pages are skilfully welded by our master craftsmen to this day .
19 It is the people who work in the institutions who are most exposed to our dislike .
20 But he lacks unction ; he rather plays with his text
21 Who had the most influence on your screen career .
22 The SPG was , however , highly controversial and widely criticized for its behaviour at demonstrations in particular .
23 The French government was consequently widely criticized for its presentation late on Jan. 14 of new proposals , of which no inkling was given at the EC ministerial meeting .
24 The HDI was widely criticized for its complexity and for a system of weighting data which gave the United States the lowest HDI of any developed country ( owing to its high illiteracy rate ) .
25 Although his regime was credited with having introduced a degree of economic prosperity , it was widely criticized for its disregard for human rights .
26 An unexpected retention in the Cabinet was Foreign Minister Carlos Iturralde Ballivián who had been widely criticized for his conduct of diplomacy within the Organization of American States ( OAS ) , for the handling of border disputes with Chile and for his failure to secure Bolivian membership of the Mercosur common market with Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay [ see p. 38096 ] .
27 She also wrote to her brother , whom she had mostly but not altogether forgiven for his betrayal of her to her mother .
28 ‘ Being so close to Merseyside is a disadvantage , because a lot of Liverpool lads would rather stay in their area where there 's such a good standard than travel into Wales . ’
29 ‘ Really I 'd rather stay in my room . ’
30 With your wonderful knowledge of the Bible , Mr. Deputy Speaker , you produced the Lazarus motion which revived them all from the dead and they eventually passed on their way through the House .
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