Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
2 The drafter may try to protect his/her client in the battle of the forms by including an appropriate provision in the terms such as : The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
3 This poem foreshadows the method of the later , greater poetry of The Waste Land in trying to hold the most primitive and most developed in one by letting the former show through the latter and the development of one out of the other be seen .
4 Zborowski supplied the charcoal , paints , canvas , and brushes ; he also hired the models ( Modigliani insisted that they must be paid three to five francs an hour ) and any accessories , although the painter rarely asked for anything but the human figure for his work .
5 We do rather think of ourselves in this area as ‘ Medaus out in the sticks ’ , being a long way from the hub , so to speak .
6 God 's mighty instrument is the lives that are wholly given to Him for His purpose .
7 In the event of any Related company ceasing to be so related then ( unless the requisite rights are duly assigned to it by such Party by agreement ) each Party undertakes on request to grant to it continuing rights of a similar nature on fair and reasonable terms .
8 I have had one or two in recent years , mostly given to me by kind people , but things did n't work out with them .
9 ‘ And in the back row , Tim Rodber and Ben Clarke can justifiably think of themselves as England candidates . ’
10 If Mr. Goldsmith would care to accept the invitation — clearly written in the bottom left-hand corner of our charts — to contact us , I would gladly explain to him in detail how we tackle the very complex task of chart production , and in particular how we go to the most extraordinary lengths to try to meet the highest standards of clarity and accuracy demanded by the wide range of our customers — when flying in UK ( not USA ) airspace .
11 She probably managed to make him pay her a little more before she agreed to do what he wanted — and altogether earned for herself in one evening more than she does in several days of being a parlourmaid .
12 It must be remembered that , nine times out of ten , the third party solicitor will be relying on descriptions of locus , machinery , etc. provided to him by his client — and will not have had the opportunity of visiting the LOCUS himself .
13 THE lover of Britain 's famous agony aunt , Marje Proops , was secretly cheating on her by living with another woman .
14 He was one of 4 youths who attacked jogger , Paul Lanighan because he accidently bumped into them in the street .
15 I suddenly agreed with you about prizes and fame and the rest .
16 We can not finalise it until your condition has sufficiently stabilised for us to be reasonably sure that no unforeseen deterioration may occur .
17 A community which feels that no-one cares naturally turns into itself for reassurance .
18 A community which feels that no-one cares naturally turns into itself for reassurance .
19 Passionate with indignation at the poverty and injustices which he daily met around him in the industrial north of Bradford , he sought , and was able to gain from , J.P.M. 's National Council of Labour Colleges , that knowledge which served him so well throughout his short working life , as a weapon with which to fight and change the capitalist system which tolerated and perpetuated such inhumane living conditions .
20 Church and state , religion , law , prejudice , custom , tradition , greed , lust , hatred , injustice , selfishness , ignorance , and arrogance have all conspired against her under the sexual rule of the human male .
21 We should refuse to be ‘ good sports ’ and to ‘ play the game ’ when the deck is so stacked against us by a baroque system of government so ludicrous and infantile as to beggar description .
22 ‘ But nice Dr Blake here is going to make it feel better , and I think , to be on the safe side , you 'd better stay with us for a while , just so that we can make sure the headache does n't get any worse .
23 He was less prominent in the action than William Craig and he felt sufficiently distanced from it to be able to absent himself for a few days in the first week of the strike when he went to Canada to attend a funeral .
24 This time Alison refused the bait , merely gazing at me with her large bovine eyes .
25 Stefan , perhaps you would be good enough to arrange for them to be collected from my apartment in Vienna and brought down here for the wardrobe woman . ’
26 I 've only heard of it at the fashion college .
27 No , it 's only a te , well I mean you can only stay on it for ten months a year .
28 Most fish would not be seriously affected by temperatures somewhat outside this range especially if only exposed to them for a short time .
29 There is a general expectation that people will not remember detailed facts correctly if they are only exposed to them in the spoken mode , especially if they are required to remember them over an extended period of time .
30 The Butcher remained a vivid memory because , apart from my ordeal , I was constantly remanded of him by the dangerous wobbling of my pipe at the edge of that needless gap in my mouth .
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