Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 And so it was , in 1950 , that Edouard effectively became the baron de Chavigny .
2 Unstated was the belief that the American Central Intelligence Agency had a hand in the downfall and death of Lumumba who had appealed to the USSR , and thereby upset the United States and also Britain ( Macmillan wrote ‘ our long-term interests would best be served by … a Congo Government … largely depending on American rather than Russian aid and support ’ ) .
3 She eventually found the River Boyne , which , according to the map , ran near Slane — which was probably a lie , she decided after making numerous unlooked-for detours because the map did n't seem to bear any relation to the roads , which did n't seem to be signposted — except for one that explained where the famous battle had taken place .
4 In 1987 , however , Sainte-Engrâce got its road out , at the far , eastern end of the valley , over what suddenly became the Col de Soudet ; it was inaugurated one day and used on the next by the toiling cyclists of the Tour de France , as part of one of their horribly taxing mountain climbs .
5 So to combat the problem Kew Bridge Steam Museum has devised a series of children 's trails which will be available free to children visiting during August .
6 The computerised exchange — known as Direct Dialling In ( DDI ) — has already gone a long way to reducing delays for the thousands of callers daily using the Essex Rivers Healthcare Trust switchboards .
7 Oliver would start by addressing the table : ‘ Shall we perhaps essay a Hunter River Chardonnay ce soir ? ’
8 A lucky few even made it inside to see the Lizard King roll around on stage again .
9 But before that , to the north , numerous small rivers and tributaries — including the likes of the Bruar Water , the Banvie , the Tilt and the Fender Burn have all fattened the River Garry before it feeds into the Tummel and on down into the Tay .
10 Though small in size and numbers , Border has from time to time been good enough to thump the New Zealand All-Blacks and the British Lions at rugby , and to produce such cricketers as Peter Kirsten , Hylton Ackerman , Ken McEwan and the brothers Greig .
11 On the particular facts of the case , service on a wholly owned , closely controlled subsidiary was reasonably calculated to secure timely notice to the parent company , and so to meet the United States version of due process .
12 Mr Dose the doctor , for example , not only has a Mrs Dose but also a Master and a Miss Dose .
13 If you 've only seen a De Lorean car in the Back to the Future films then drop in at the old plant in Dunmurry on Saturday afternoon ( 3.30 ) where the dream machine was produced .
14 So says the US Pentagon in a book , Soviet Military Power 1983 , published last week .
15 So says the poet Shelley .
16 It 's unlikey that you 're lucky enough to own a Sinclair Harding clock — they 're so exclusive , and take so long to make that only seven hundred have been produced over the last twenty five years .
17 Similarly you can only choose a Savage Orc Big Boss if your army includes at least one Mob of Savage Orcs .
18 Similarly , you can only choose a Savage Orc Shaman if your army includes at least one Mob of Savage Orcs .
19 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
20 His only previous try at the marathon was 2:15:27 , although that was good enough to win the Toronto Marathon last September .
21 I honestly believe that she is good enough to win the King George and the Arc next year . ’
22 Mr Macnab rightly sees the Davis/Del Giudice conflict as a battle for the soul of Rank himself , with the two reflecting different sides of their ultimate boss .
23 She was reckless enough to challenge the goddess Athene , patroness of those crafts , to a contest of skill .
24 One of these men had a wife and family , and only joined the Powis Square circle when he was on a spree .
25 Paul claimed he only joined the Normanby Road Methodist Church for the youth club where he began his entertainment career .
26 I trust that if he tours Eire or Northern Ireland during the summer he wo n't be insensitive enough to parade the Union Jack there .
27 In secret he extended the raids into Cambodia in an attempt to interrupt the flow of men and supplies from North Vietnam ( the Vietcong had long used the Ho Chi Minh trail through Cambodia for this purpose ) .
28 In his Stormont career , and especially during his period as Minister of Finance , O'Neill gradually developed a liberal reforming unionism in which the pettier aspects of conflict between the two populations would be removed and Protestants and Catholics would work together to modernize the Northern Ireland economy .
29 The servants had done their best : they had tried to clean the house for his arrival , but their efforts only heightened the destruction Edouard found .
30 Neighbours who were unwary enough to let the Misses Lovelock look after the chickens in their absence rarely found any eggs awaiting them on their return , and in some cases a plump chicken had died .
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