Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 They gave Jack the chance to practise some of the underhand humour that eventually became part of his mystique .
2 One day he went missing , and the producer went in search of him , eventually catching sight of his Rolls-Royce parked outside a bar .
3 What a wonderful and thrilling finale there was to that match , as McEnroe held and then lost three match points , saved three against him , and then eventually claimed victory on his sixth match point .
4 The most widely reported feature of his speech was the proposal to repeal a 35-year-old law outlawing the Communist Party of the Philippines — Marxist Leninist ( CPP-ML ) and similar organizations , and to institute a sweeping amnesty .
5 After foolishly drawing attention to his own royal blood , Surrey was arrested on a charge of treason , which was subsequently extended to his father .
6 His parents hoped that this might prove a stepping-stone to a painter 's career , but Rosenberg hated the work , only deriving consolation from his reading of such poets as Byron , Keats , Shelley , and , most importantly , William Blake [ qq.v. ] ; from his own writing ; and from evening painting classes at the art school of Birkbeck College .
7 She had watched Madeleine feed him in hospital , patiently push soup between his lips .
8 Great Britain international Paul Cuskin makes his long awaited debut for his new club , Sunderland Harriers , in the Washington six mile road race tomorrow ( 11am ) .
9 On the eve of the Edinburgh derby , the Hearts chairman Wallace Mercer has rejected a long awaited bid for his seventy five percent stake in the club .
10 He suddenly has trouble with his breathing .
11 Wayne Williams as Sportin' Life justly drew applause for his succulent rendering of ‘ It Ai n't Necessarily So ’ and Jo Ann Pickens had some touching moments as Bess ; but none of the female voices sounded entirely in their element .
12 He not only has room in his science for God ; he tries to create God using only some laws of physics , some simplifying assumptions , some outrageous extrapolations , and truly cosmic gall .
13 A front-line supervisor only has authority over his part of the work of the organisation and can not issue instructions to another part .
14 ‘ But surely no one would be mad enough to hide gelignite in his room ? ’ said Amiss .
15 For the chief defect of parliamentary democracy is that it is representative : when a person elects a representative he necessarily surrenders part of his sovereignty to him .
16 Boz made the announcement as though expecting Dolly to argue with him , but she merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement .
17 He pulled away from them both long enough to wipe blood from his face and to lean on the stair-rail , sucking in deep breaths .
18 Underlying all this is a more fundamental problem , during the heady nineteen eighties , the British home owner positively salivated at the idea of the monthly advance in the so called value of his or her property .
19 Rivers only roll along to brighten up the landscape , and cattle graze only to give life to his drawings .
20 By the end of the war he accounted for thirty-five more spies to complete a wartime record which impressed the general staff and ensured the continuance of his organization into the peace , though on a much reduced basis from his final wartime strength of 800 .
21 But the sergeant knew he was not , it was simply the effect of a quiet man suddenly giving vent to his anger .
22 He still drank , began to smoke , and only took notice of his wife and child to shout at them or hit them , usually when he was drunk .
23 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
24 Andre Gide , apparently taking leave of his senses , described him as ‘ the greatest of all , the most genuine novelist we have had in literature ’ .
25 Shepherd merely took advantage of his right as equal to appeal to us .
26 It was Cannistraro and his colleagues who also identified the mysterious Libyan who bought the clothes in Malta to wrap around the bomb , based on a photofit picture produced by the FBI from the shopkeeper 's phenomenally detailed description of his customer ten months after he saw him for the first and only time .
27 Last night television 's aristocracy came together to pay homage to his service … still unfinished by the way , attempts to retire have failed and he 's still running the Sunday evening programme Highway with Harry Secombe .
28 Hoomey thought she did n't speak English very well ; she spoke Punjabi to the family , but Mr Singh always spoke English and Jazz only spoke gook to his mother , not to anyone else .
29 He apparently introduced Fagg as his colonel . ’
30 Obviously , SHe 'd have to ratbelly hir way out of this place first , if only to get Malamute on his own .
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