Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The Italian doctor who claims to have successfully given fertility treatment to a 58-year-old English woman has cancelled a trip to London because he received a death threat .
2 Adoption of EC Commission proposals would only grant copyright protection to those databases which involved intellectual and creative effort in their compilation .
3 Poland , Russia , Bulgaria , Romania and Afghanistan have all received help thanks to generous donors and benefactors .
4 We all must work together to find Transport alternatives to be rid of the present traffic-hells of Oxford and other cities , and this is urgent .
5 Manually adding best-fit curves to data plots can be laborious and prone to error .
6 Manually adding best-fit curves to data plots can be laborious and prone to error .
7 The three main political parties were really only paying lip service to green matters and not tackling the underlying economic issues , said Dr.
8 We believe that certainly for the time being , the combination of the fighter aircraft and rapier will provide an acceptable level er of air defence with a much reduced air threat to the U K er which now exists .
9 I am aware that these proposals only go part way to meeting the objections raised at the meeting .
10 Improved forensic science standards and public sector laboratories equally available to the defence and prosecution — this may only go part way to ensuring an equality of arms between the prosecution and defence , which is essential in an adversarial system .
11 Older methods of farming only caused surface damage to archaeological sites by ploughing , but modern intensive farming destroys sites much more quickly .
12 That it is inadequate for trade unions to merely pay lip service to a European prospective , or to be deterred by the refusal of the U K government to accept its European responsibilities and deny rights to U K workers that are enjoyed by every one of our European colleagues .
13 Not only does automation lead to a heightened sense of alienation , it also , Naville suggests , enables workers to obtain a better understanding of the real determinants of the pattern of authority relations prevalent in the society , which Naville presumes to be dictated by social class rather than technocratic or efficiency considerations .
14 As soon as several partners are involved the need for good financial control systems is emphasised by the need to maintain equity between partners and perhaps relate profit shares to job profitability .
15 By scheduling rationalization to avoid compulsory redundancies and by offering employment security in return for skill flexibility , Pilkingtons purposefully mobilized workforce commitment to the change process .
16 Better to bring house slippers to the bedroom : thin leather soles and leather or velvet tops .
17 claimants did not generally feel Review Boards to be independent .
18 The Bombay-based Larsen and Toubro ( L&T ) , which has already exported software services to a number of countries , is negotiating with European countries for the supply of software engineering .
19 From our simplification that every price is a cost-plus price , it follows that the average cost of domestically produced material inputs to any single firm is determined by the average labour costs of other firms .
20 Whitlock knew that the ambassadors of two Western nations had already promised state visits to Zimbala as soon as it was readmitted to the United Nations .
21 It is doubtful , however , whether section 46 of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act , which as shown above requires sex education to be given in a way that encourages pupils to have regard for ‘ moral considerations and the value of family life ’ , prohibits discussion of homosexuality .
22 " Just getting coolie labor to you here is difficult enough , Duclos , " snapped the recruiter .
23 More important , the modern approach can lead to explanations at the molecular level thus linking gene action to developmental process .
24 These methods of categorizing components and assemblies thus enable production facilities to be used more efficiently , purchasing requirements to be known more accurately and the conforming of piece-parts and assemblies to functional constraints to be maintained .
25 They 're actually , they just do fund raising to their local groups and everything else is obviously sort of controlled by central office or
26 Supporters of this generally held theory point to the tiger 's thick fur and heavy layer of fat ; also to its need to keep cool in the hot climates in which it now lives by immersing itself in water whenever it can during the heat of the day .
27 If true , it should follow that antral cancer would be more common and would occur at an early age in those parts of the world where the majority of the population already have serum antibodies to the organism before adult life .
28 The Sighthill Section is required to connect the Glasgow/Edinburgh Road ( A8 ) with the northern end of the Colinton Section and should eventually provide traffic relief to local routes such as Wester Hailes Road which will , on carrying only local traffic , result in increased amenity and convenience .
29 If you are sitting in a very large house on your own , which is draining away your resources because it still has mortgage payments to be met and it takes a lot of money to heat and light every year , you must seriously consider cashing in on your assets by moving to a smaller house that eliminates your mortgage and cuts down on running costs , or by taking out an annuity on your house .
30 The module manager always has access privileges to the module , and in addition , he is ultimately responsible for its modification as part of a Design Change ( DC ) , its storage off-line and eventual deletion .
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