Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pn reflx] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Collin said some people have threatened to withhold the £20 surcharge in protest only to find themselves facing the threat of court action .
2 But she gripped her hands together to help herself bear the wailing glory of the music which was a lament for all lost and gone , loved things , an expression of a grief she had thought too deep to express .
3 He said that the Government had only pledged itself to employ the successful barracks architects , but not the Government Offices architects .
4 She can only equip herself to face the world from a secure position when she has developed an internal strength which will come from the accumulation of power by centres of growth which lie far outside the existing bureaucracies of government , party and presidential palace .
5 Seizing the opportunity offered by Compaq Computer Corp 's formal resignation from the Advanced Computing Environment initiative ( UX No 382 ) , the Santa Cruz Operation Inc , finally steeled itself to announce the suspension of all of its MIPS Computer Systems Inc development work last week — effectively tendering its resignation from the ACE crowd .
6 Important as were his contacts with the Frankish rulers for his preaching in Hesse and Thuringia , he could scarcely bring himself to share the company of the fast-living Frankish bishops whom he met at court — Milo of Trier ‘ and others like him ’ , as he said dismissively — until his mentor , Bishop Daniel of Winchester , had to cite to him texts from Augustine and the Bible against separating oneself from sinners and in favour of dissimulation .
7 ‘ I 'm so pleased he got round , ’ remarked Miss Sanders , who was hobbling around with her left foot in a plastic bag after breaking her ankle in a schooling accident and could scarcely bring herself to watch the race .
8 Erm I mean I was just finding myself expressing the views that er given the dramatic change in the composition of the County Council since the election , I would have thought something as major as the East Grinstead by-pass would need to be considered by the new council anyway and er I think it would be perhaps er assuming too much er to believe that the present council would follow the line of the previous council that 's only er a personal expression .
9 The humiliating financial dependence on his parents , a fact of life ever since he had been dismissed from Goupil 's , was being gradually shifted on to Theo , who would soon find himself shouldering the whole burden .
10 She knew all too well he meant nothing by it , that he probably had n't even noticed he was doing it , but she still found herself hoarding the memory of each insignificant caress as a miser would hoard gold .
11 He could have lied , but he usually found himself speaking the truth to Mrs Lorimer ; it was another reason for moving out .
12 The Egyptians could hardly bring themselves to mention the names of Cheops and Chephren , he reports , and preferred to call the pyramids after Philitis , a shepherd who tended his flocks in the area .
13 But his hands were shaking so much that he could hardly stop himself knocking the food off the plate .
14 Possessed of such , and revelling in the distance set between them and miserable ‘ pragmatism ’ , Mrs Thatcher 's Conservative Party can still persuade itself to see the last decade as a period when undeviating conviction wrought a miracle in the land .
15 He repeatedly found himself asking the question Who ? — and What ? — was he ?
16 But they probably persecuting themselves leading the risk .
17 I know I ca n't run 27:08 , at least not without resorting to recreational narcotics , and I ca n't honestly see myself reaching the real top level at 10,000m .
18 The problem for Kahn and his fellow minority shareholders , representing approximately 25%/ of Velcro 's publicly held share , was the powerful presence of a 65%/ block in Velcro held by a company called Cohere , which had originally committed itself to support the liquidation proposal .
19 As the mother of a nine-year-old girl , I often find myself questioning the wisdom of other parents in the light of recent attacks on young children .
20 In run-of-the-mill performances you often find yourself lamenting the absence of Lerner and Loewe 's songs from My Fair Lady , but in this detailed , absorbing production , Shaw 's verbal music is enough .
21 ‘ We can now judge ourselves knowing the standards are some of the best in the world ’ .
22 Both the Skelton family and the Griffiths family now find themselves paying the price of those risks .
23 Since he has only an option and does not legally commit himself to buy the goods , the contract is not one of sale , Helby v. Matthews ( 1895 H.L. ) .
24 He even found himself liking the gunman in an abstract way , despite Gomez 's future role as his executioner .
25 Would n't it be lovely , then , to be able to tell your PC that you want to run a CD ROM based game , and would it please re-configure itself to do the best job , preferably without making you wait five minutes while it re-boots ?
26 She did n't voice her thoughts but she immediately saw herself wearing the lime-green dress and the coat with the rose lining .
27 Today 's new mother may well find herself facing the additional difficulty of coping alone with her new-born infant — whether due to choice or circumstance .
28 Wisely cautious at first — awed , probably , by sheer numbers ( because they were coming in , now , from all over the shop , from Canada , from Palestine ) — German society duly broadened itself to let the newcomers in .
29 Her spite is aroused by the Gattletons ' ostentatious amateur theatricals , and she successfully sets herself to sabotage the proceedings ; her daughter Emma .
30 For all that , I could not for some days quite bring myself to raise the matter again with Mr Farraday .
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