Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [not/n't] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 In fact , we were supposed to be doing something with Eric and John , but Eric could n't make it , or perhaps did n't want to .
2 The surgeon apparently did not listen to his patient or respect her bodily integrity .
3 We 'll start with that obviously do n't seem to be very forthcoming here !
4 The Thwaites obviously did not subscribe to this tradition ( after all , they were not even considered Baldersdalians ! ) since John met his future bride when she was fifteen and in service at a farm in Lunedale .
5 This fact obviously did not conform to the elitist views of ‘ fitness to rule ’ of most racial nationalists .
6 Then you obviously did n't go to public school like I did .
7 I knew he 'd used firearms in the past and because he was on the run from prison he obviously did n't want to be rearrested .
8 This type of inefficiency arises because workers and management are often ill-equipped or lacking in motivation and so do not perform to the best of their abilities .
9 Also they do not pay rates and so do not contribute to the upkeep of the area in which they live .
10 As for the English speaking , a child of far more than three has no difficulty learning Italian and is so far from being wedded to the tongue he has begun with that he forgets it within a few months so do not say to me that is an obstacle .
11 So do n't speak to me of ingratitude .
12 ‘ And when you get to the top you 'll be on the quarterdeck , so do n't forget to — ’
13 The colour you are assigned arises from your position in the draw , but this may change from round to round , so do n't go to the same position as you went to previously .
14 You 'll probably sleep badly , so do n't go to bed too early and do n't fret about the lost hours .
15 So do n't go to the hairdressers before you us , alright ?
16 So do n't talk to me .
17 Oh look you 've done enough so do n't talk to me .
18 So do n't moan to me about your unhappy lot , Mama .
19 FROM THE cocktail-lounge keyboard riff in ‘ Louder Than A Bomb ’ , to the no-nonsense , horn-riffed hip-hop of ‘ Radio Consultant ’ , ‘ Greatest Misses ’ is a fine compilation album , so do n't come to it expecting another ‘ Black Planet ’ .
20 So do n't jump to conclusions .
21 So do n't lie to yourself or to me , Rachel .
22 The criteria listed below do not correspond to distinct levels of difficulty , although they represent increasing levels of complexity from 1 to 4 .
23 Fair did not seem to Martha to be a colour at all , merely an excuse for a hard old woman to persecute a child .
24 as if he suddenly did n't want to be here at all .
25 Therefore , if the wrong person has been assigned to approve a package and the user who should have done so does not agree to the approval , the following steps must be taken :
26 I can hardly force him to kiss his grandmother when he so obviously does n't wish to . ’
27 That obviously does not extend to the levels of awareness which human consciousness exhibits , but where do you draw the line ?
28 Admonition alone does not appear to be enough .
29 Long does not reduce to the simple ; he departs from it .
30 This means that suggestions about sharing activities as outlined above do not lead to unrealistic expectations , and that the advantages of doing task-centred work can be mobilised .
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