Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] set [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The grant explicitly excluded the royal forest of Inglewood , but this was probably only to avoid setting a precedent for future sheriffs .
2 The grant explicitly excluded the royal forest of Inglewood , but this was probably only to avoid setting a precedent for future sheriffs .
3 ‘ The sheriff obviously wanted to set an example and that 's not justice .
4 However , the SFO 's handling of its investigations has hardly been consistent and it already has set a precedent for the Barrowclough report to be published in full .
5 Of course that had always been the case , the young always did set the fashion ; but never before did it change so rapidly , never before were the older generation so pathetically afraid of being left behind .
6 In Whitby Way vandals unsuccessfully tried to set a car ablaze by throwing a jar containing flammable liquid and lighted rag at it .
7 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
8 Four days earlier the Sun had also helped to set the tone with a centre-spread report , ‘ HUMAN TIDE LABOUR WOULD LET IN — Bogus refugees will grab state handouts ’ , complete with coloured maps representing the locations of intending immigrants to Britain from Africa , Asia , eastern Europe and the Middle East .
9 ‘ You 're probably going to set the taxpayer back a couple of million , unless these things are made of plate steel . ’
10 The discouraging effects of prolonged unemployment , experience in the labour market with employers and official intermediaries , public statements by political and economic commentators , politicians , and employers about the future of employment are all part of a social process of exclusion , which probably began to set the agenda in the minds of individual older workers in the After Redundancy study even before the redundancy itself took place .
11 If you are using LIFESPAN across a network , then you will also have to set the directory file ownership on each of the additional VAXs from which you intend to access LIFESPAN .
12 You should also have set an example for this beforehand , by sometimes making yourself scarce when your parent 's friends come , without being in any way unsociable or unwilling to prepare food and drink for them .
13 " This development would not only be a danger in itself but also help set a trend which will make it easier for other countries in the region to follow , " a Greenpeace statement said .
14 Such relations both define the form of inequality between places at any one time and also help set the scene for the next form of uneven development .
15 It can also help to set the debate agenda if it is strategically planned .
16 Now try to set the scene :
17 This is how to do it with a few extra explanations to help you understand why you are making the movements — realising why levers move often helps to set the method in the mind .
18 If you are a regular coffee drinker , the aroma of freshly brewed coffee really does set the taste buds tingling .
19 She says she does n't really want to earn money from the revelations but simply wants to set the story of the Yorks ' marriage straight .
20 Pumfrey reflected comfortably that it was an indication of Bill Muggeridge 's general dimness that he had not even had to set a trap for him .
21 Luxury would be to have a freshly laundered set every night .
22 Craigbarnet had been supported , at considerable inconvenience , by the Montrose interest , mainly in order to please the head of the Stirling family , Stirling of Keir , who was a relative of the Duke of Montrose , but no sooner was Craigbarnet out of the running than another potentially explosive dispute arose which might well have set the Duke of Montrose at variance with Lord Elphinstone or another valuable ally , Dundas of Lethem .
23 She liked the mixing of ages , she even liked a little friction , and friction there would be : Ivan Warner alone was usually enough to raise the temperature of any social gathering to conflagration point , and Ivan in conjunction with Charles 's Fleet Street friends and television moguls , with a few publishers and poets and novelists , with an actress or two , with a clutch of psychologists and psychotherapists and art historians and civil servants and lawyers and extremely quarrelsome politicians , would surely manage to set the place on fire ?
24 But there is no doubt that several new players from abroad have set the league alight this season without overshadowing encouraging performances from homegrown talent .
25 They will also have to decide what IPC means in practice for the 3500-odd industrial processes under their control and as yet have set no timetable for doing so .
26 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
27 In the early afternoon she and Florian , with two more of their disc jockeys and a number of other public figures , were variously photographed setting an example , the situation being sufficiently dramatic without being overly traumatic to have induced a general spirit of camaraderie .
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