Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] as [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The wheel came full circle last year when he suddenly became ill with a bewildering illness eventually diagnosed as amyloid of the kidneys .
2 Deng was reported to have been particularly incensed by an attack on the country 's five special economic zones ( SEZs ) , widely regarded as showcases for the reformist line .
3 Executorships and trusteeships are , of course , commonplace and will ( save perhaps where there is a family connection ) nearly always be effectively treated as activities of the firm .
4 Further Cabinet changes followed the resignation in mid-September of Minister of State for Finance , Economy and the Budget Said Ali Kemal , hitherto regarded as second in the government only to Djohar .
5 The wetlands , long regarded as wastes by generations of farmers , have been replaced by a harvest which fits the dictionary definition of ‘ waste ’ in every sense .
6 In many ways , the issue of knowledge acquisition has been one that has separated the practicable representations of natural language semantics from those that can only remain as theories in textbooks .
7 The attendance of a member at a meeting of a committee or subcommittee of the local authority is regarded as attendance at a meeting of the authority , but attendance at a meeting of a joint committee , joint board or other body will only count as attendance at a meeting of the authority when any functions of the local authority have been transferred or delegated to those bodies .
8 However the Saloon Bar was only one section of the pub , and only originated as part of the trend of the 1890s towards gentrification .
9 Each national economy is not only seen as part of that world economic ( and social ) system , it is treated as subordinate to its global forces .
10 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
11 The kind of satisfaction which can be anxiety-free is that in which my own creative powers and understanding of the world around me are at a maximum and this is satisfaction which the individual can only achieve as part of a community of persons directed at these ends .
12 The examples given in Table 6.1 refer to the kind of experience well within the capacity potentially of everyone , and may be so much accepted as part of everyday life as to go unnoticed .
13 In many areas , elephant conservation will only succeed as part of a wider programme to protect a whole environment .
14 Secondly , private garages only count as part of the limit on house extensions if they are within 5 metres of the house , otherwise they are treated in the same way as other outbuildings .
15 As charges against the profits of manors these payments were naturally classed as income from land .
16 Far from being ‘ non-interventionist ’ , in this case Mr Lang has not only acted as promoter of the scheme itself , but also as overseer of the setting up of the public inquiry .
17 Barbara not only acted as secretary to a succession of senior managers including Harold Worland and Raymond Anderson , she also carried out the secretarial work for the Board for many years .
18 She long acted as examiner in geography for various institutions , and her influence on the training of the next generation of students of geography was substantial .
19 Now Castle also includes obligations to make further payments under existing agreements , which were previously only noted as commitments in the notes to the accounts .
20 Computers are not only employed as tools for use within organizations .
21 Bowe won the undisputed title on points from Holyfield in November but is only recognised as champion by the IBF and WBA .
22 so that we do n't all meet as strangers on the day .
23 Although it is often presented as a scientific term , relating to features of urban development , its use is better understood as part of an ideological set which has been borrowed from the United States .
24 Charmingly known as Children of the Evening Star , these three lovely Greek goddesses guarded the golden apples which HERA received as a marriage gift .
25 Subsidies would be far better utilised as rewards for environmentally friendly farming methods or for protecting the countryside .
26 The competition takes place in Grantham on March 15 and winners will be presented with prizes by actress Gretchen Franklin , better known as Ethel from Eastenders .
27 Brian — better known as BK to his friends — went to the Ukraine in November on a visit organised by the Life Church of Mobile .
28 The label 's ‘ Shostakovich Film Festival ’ ( ) is music from The Gadfly , Five Days and Five Nights , Hamlet — and , more dubiously , the Tahiti Trot ( which Shostakovich simply orchestrated for a wager after hearing a gramophone record of it — there 's no evidence he ever saw the son , better known as Tea for Two , performed on film or intended that his own version of it should be ) , and the First Piano Concerto ( some of the themes of which were recycled for a Soviet cartoon in 1933 ! ) .
29 Instead of being repressed , the frightening possibility is voiced , dramatized and laughed about and so acknowledged as part of life .
30 A general in the regular army , he could only serve as lieutenant-colonel of the Sussex militia .
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