Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the money is available fitted carpets are a good investment , particularly those that are patterned in a mid-shade of the colour most favoured by the elderly person , as this will not show either marks or dust so much as a plain light- or dark-coloured carpet does .
2 Most of the guests seemed to be either journalists , politicians , or fashion designers , the three occupations most favoured by the nascent New Delhi chattering class .
3 Shown here is the Queen Mother looking at the display relating to Frank Griffiths , the sole survivor of a Halifax that was shot down on a supply mission , and who was successfully hidden by the local Resistance .
4 They came back on the Northern Line , a tall handsome man in a long overcoat and a man whose face was mostly hidden by an upturned collar and a hat pulled well down .
5 But as many as are thus sottish , let them enjoy their own wildness and ignorance , it is sufficient for a good man that he is conscious unto himself that he is more nobly descended , better bred and born , and more skilfully taught by the purged faculties of his own mind.2
6 Those most coveted by the early civilizations of Egypt and Sumer , notably lapis lazuli , had been drawn from remote sources since Predynastic times .
7 Although some necessities , notably food , are exempt from VAT , other goods intensively consumed by the poor , notably cigarettes and alcohol , are heavily taxed .
8 Two prose characters for whom sympathy has wholly evaporated by the final scene are Parolles ( All 's Well ) and Lucio ( Measure for Measure ) .
9 The excise laws were widely regarded by the Irish as unnecessarily strict , and they certainly resulted in harsh repressive measures being taken by excise officers , often in conjunction with military forces , although there is ample evidence that both sides resorted to violence at times .
10 Like Meese , Porfiry was most fascinated by the final part of Raskolnikov 's paper , in which ‘ you hint … at the existence of certain people who … are , as it were , above the law . ’
11 While this was bitterly resented by the British , they too were moving towards the acquisition of a national nuclear force .
12 On July 15 Cuomo gave an electrifying nomination address which was rapturously received by the assembled delegates .
13 Earlier this month he was rapturously received by the American Congress ; he was also briefly entertained by President Bush at the White House .
14 If the kinds of academic freedom for students just outlined are to be vigorously sustained by the academic community ( as they should ) , then students have to play their part in the exercise of those freedoms .
15 It is , however , the case that any sentence other than the first in a fragment of discourse , will have the whole of its interpretation forcibly constrained by the preceding text , not just those phrases which obviously and specifically refer to the preceding text , like the aforementioned .
16 For the language needs of learners can only be effectively solved by a linguistic analysis of their source problems ( Carter , 1982:2 ) .
17 Gould , in marked contrast , had managed to enlist 298 subscribers for his Himalayan Birds , all of whom were successfully pursued by the efficient and persistent Mr Prince .
18 For Craigendarroch is wholly owned by a major public company , Cannon Street Investments P.L.C.
19 Software house Logica Plc , London W and software and services company Finsiel SpA , have set up a new joint venture company in Italy called Logicasiel SpA , following Finsiel 's acquisition of the controlling shares in Data Management , Logica 's original joint venture partner in Italy : Logica owns 40% of Logicasiel , while Finsiel , via Data Management , owns 60% ; Logicasiel is made up of Logica General Systems , the original Logica-Data Management joint venture set up in 1985 , and GSO Informatica , which is now wholly owned by the new company ; Logicasiel has 240 staff and turnover of approximately £15m ; it operates in finance , local government and industry , but intends to focus on developing further trade links with the European Commission and pan-European organisations .
20 The Association of the Mouth and Foot Artists is unique , wholly owned by the disabled artists themselves .
21 The company is wholly owned by the Royal Bank , has a staff of just over 90 and forms part of Branch Banking Division .
22 The company is wholly owned by the founding directors who now seek a partner to provide the support required to take advantage of the rationalisation expected in the European metal stockholding industry .
23 Attlee 's arguments pointed clearly to the foreign policy eventually pursued by the post-war Labour Government — attempting to manipulate the emerging US superpower in a way that was compatible both with the maintenance of Britain 's overseas Empire and with her traditionally limited commitment to entanglement in European affairs .
24 In industry the self-employed were generally slowly squeezed by the superior performance of big business , although 15 per cent of those engaged in manufacturing in Italy and Japan were still self-employed in 1970 .
25 Callinicos ' criticism of the ‘ postmodern ’ hypothesis contains a range of emphases , the three principal ones of which are : First : advocates of the postmodern in art ( which attains uncommon prominence in so far as the ‘ postmodern ’ is powerfully underwritten by a claimed distinction from Modernism ) , tend to misread the modern and arrogate its defining characteristics to their own period .
26 Even the types of particles that were eventually emitted by the black hole would in general be different from those that made up the astronaut : the only feature of the astronaut that would survive would be his mass or energy .
27 Lotus has been badly bruised by the sudden switch to Windows .
28 The radio transmitter , a surprisingly small , modern affair , occupied its own bracket on one wall , which was foot-thick whitewashed stone like the others , the chill only a little alleviated by the portable bottled-gas heater alongside the desk .
29 It was an enchantment expressly forbidden by the Ancient Academy of Sorcerers , and Nuadu had thought that even the Lords of the Dark Ireland hesitated over it .
30 The sustained and systematic assault upon the assumptions and procedures of classic realism , vigorously pursued by the leading nouveaux romanciers , could almost be said to represent a manifesto of postmodern aims and aspirations ; while the emphatic self-reflexivity of their novels is frequently cited as paradigmatic of radical textuality .
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