Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This duly arrived and the five hour Test Programme has just been successfully completed at the farm strip at Weston Underwood where Midge is presently ‘ stationed ’ She has company too — her stable mate is a Tiger Moth : G-AMHF .
2 A neatly printed card , discreetly placed at the hem of the embroidery , told that the contents of the case had been donated by Jurgen Danziger , in 1933 .
3 Golden lads and lasses had just breakfasted on golden toast , a little blackened at the edge in some cases , spread with golden shred or golden syrup .
4 The eggs were clear and had a diameter of between 0.6 and 0.9mm and mostly floated at the water surface .
5 At night , while John 's impatient body sleeps , I listen to the waves loosely slapping at the side of the stilled ship .
6 ‘ State Department officials were unavailable for comment , ’ the New York Times reported , thereby hinting at the source of the leak , but if the story had been aired as a trial balloon , it failed to lift off .
7 ‘ Zooming out ’ of what 's going on and commenting on it , without apportioning blame , may help defuse tension : ‘ Things seem to be getting a little heated at the moment . ’
8 There is little doubt that the coalition was returned to power mainly on Unionist votes , although this was not widely recognized at the time ; the Unionists had never won so many votes before , and it was perhaps natural to attribute their success to their new asset .
9 The young man had ridden hard , and was stained and tired , and not a little frightened at the magnitude of the disaster he reported .
10 By the time we rolled into Lima it was dark and , though we had taken hourly turns at the wheel , we were all of us limp with exhaustion .
11 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
12 Rore properly stands at the head of this roll-call , above all for his madrigals which are both artistically and historically more important than his generally rather conservative Masses and motets .
13 At meetings of Bank Assistants throughout the country , in the past weeks , I have not met anyone who was other than bitterly disillusioned at the outcome of our visit to the Labour Court .
14 Gorbad is badly wounded at the Battle of Grunberg , but the battle is won and the Empire army flees back to Altdorf .
15 Pots will be attractive to add instant colour and a path sweeps away under the pergola towards the rockery where it turns through a right angle in front of the rose bed , eventually ending at the vegetable plot that is neatly screened by the hedge .
16 Letters regularly occur in certain combinations and positions with , for example , the letter Q always being followed by U , and a number of letters rarely appearing at the end of a word ( e.g. , J V ) .
17 The committee of inquiry , composed of individuals with impressive antiracist credentials — Ian Macdonald , Gus John , Reena Bhavnani , Lily Khan — delivered a strong and , for some , an astonishing condemnation of the antiracist policies apparently vigorously pursued at the school , castigating them as doctrinaire , divisive , ineffectual and counterproductive .
18 But without proper government action , they only scratch at the problem .
19 And , as the Chancellor patiently explained at the beginning of his speech , the Budget deals with income , not expenditure , which is precisely why he wants to change it .
20 North Cave boasts two public houses : the White Hart on Westgate , built in 1776 , but much altered at the front , was one of the main coaching inns in the mid 19th century ; and the Black Swan on Church Street , rebuilt in 1813 , where ladies could buy bonnets and trimmings in a little shop in the small single-storied part at the far end .
21 The two smaller ‘ outlier ’ setts would have been completely destroyed by the planned construction work , and so were completely excavated , while the third was only excavated at the end to be affected by the construction .
22 Now that 's what I 'd prefer , but in every , you know the majority go against me and they want it in a as I say I I would , I think that it 'd be better placed at the top .
23 These alliances were similar to the games of dice much favoured at the time : the marriages might or might not be successful ; they might or might not have political consequences .
24 ( In the same letter Leech referred to a man who ‘ was brought into the Infirmary this morning with violent concussion of the brain occasioned by a fall from the mail coach as it was passing through Harrowden , he was much intoxicated at the time the accident happened .
25 His flat was sparsely furnished at the time .
26 From the point of view of the hotel receptionist it is important to remember a vital practical point : do not refuse to take guest 's property into safe custody , and make sure that either you or one of your staff constantly remain at the reception desk in order to fulfil this duty .
27 Few things were more demoralising than to stand uselessly by while other men demonstrated their professional competence ; Kerrison , that connoisseur of death , literally sniffing at the body ; the photographers , taciturn , preoccupied with lighting and angles ; Inspector Doyle , in charge of a murder case at last , impresario of death , tense with the suppressed excitement of a child at Christmas gloating over a new toy .
28 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
29 He seemed greatly cheered at the prospect of my arrival and held out his glass .
30 However , because ‘ newly-born ’ micelles can only arise at the expense of the preexisting ones ( there is a finite amount of water in the system that must be shared between all the micelles ) , the average radius of the micelles decreases .
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