Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] they with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 • Any burns may be deeper than they appear , so cool them with cold water and cover with an antiseptic dressing or clean cloth .
2 The Russian landlords did not and could not revolt against the tsar , who alone provided them with some legitimation against a peasantry profoundly convinced that the land belonged to him who laboured it , but also of their hierarchic subordination to the representatives of God and the emperor .
3 As to those who force horses forward with blows in such a case , they only inspire them with greater terror ; for they imagine , when they suffer any pain at such a time , that what they look upon with alarm is in some way the cause of it .
4 It will be easy enough to bleach them with some Milk of Magnesia the night before he comes home .
5 Marshall 's hands had once made music — now they could n't — so he was perhaps punishing them with hard labour in a sort of brutal compensation .
6 If we want to keep the best scientists and the best engineers in this country , we 'd better do two things : we 'd better attract them with good pay and we 'd better train them right and give them the proper facilities .
7 By contrast Frances Spalding 's final chapter , ‘ The Modern Face ’ , is surprisingly tentative for such an experienced writer : she obviously contemplates deserting the more endangered of Bloomsbury species the rank amateur as opposed to the merely amateurish but in the end mounts a token defence , and so damns them with faint art history .
8 The isolation or bunching together of such pupils only provides them with poor role models and intensive interaction with other disturbed children .
9 They liquidize but you can liquidize things by heating them up that would liquidize them but in this particular case you just mix them with some water what 's the process called ?
10 So a catastrophic drop to 5 per cent of its pre-deluge invertebrate quantities still provided them with three square meals a day .
11 If possible , always lift them with two people and take great care not to drag the skin in any way that could cause tearing .
12 She does really young , fun , party clothes — a lot are in black but she always trims them with bright colours .
13 The Bees did n't know who to mark as United switched their play and their players to totally confuse them with classy running that carried the hallmarks of good coaching .
14 Always protect them with high factor sunscreen creams , and wear a t-shirt and hat .
15 By then introducing smaller helpings of loose feed at regular intervals it keeps the fish interested and , more importantly , it gradually preoccupies them with that particular item of food .
16 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
17 This illusion was achieved by slightly blinding them with blue lamps facing them and lowering dummy bodies from the flies .
18 They had been advised not to keep them too cold and also to cover them with waxed paper .
19 Conversation can also provide them with one of the most effective means for trying out ideas and modifying them in the light of the feedback received .
20 This survey also indicated that in those libraries with audio-visual presentations , more than half also supplemented them with other forms of orientation or instruction notably tours , printed guides , supplementary printed handouts and exercises or other practical work .
21 Firms which reduce emissions by amounts exceeding the reductions required by the authorities under the bubble or offset policies can ‘ bank ’ emission reduction credits and either use them to expand their own plant later or openly trade them with other companies .
22 ‘ To fulfil our commitment to our clients we must also support them with spare parts and a full technical service .
23 In some cases , firms , such as Nestlé in regions of Brazil , having purchased haciendas , are now running them with modern agricultural techniques .
24 If it did not do so , they threatened to suspend trade agreements with Yugoslavia , and immediately to restore them with those individual republics which agreed to the plan — in effect to recognize their independence .
25 We can not neglect these things , but neither can we control or even forecast them with any certainty .
26 and I ca n't even help them with that
27 I made two ruler from Tufnol ( 24x1–1/2x1/2in ) , then joined them with two brass strips , allowing about 1 in of play between the rulers .
28 He would make me look at pictures and then reproduce them with coloured pencils , or else ask me to rotate a figure mentally a certain number of degrees around a given perpendicular before attempting to redraw it .
29 Think about these points in the story and then discuss them with other people .
30 Not until after the last Ice Age had remodelled the valleys north of the plain , overdeepening them , then damming them with morainic debris to form the great lakes of Maggiore , Como and Garda , did man evolve to the point where he left a permanent imprint on the landscape .
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